January 13, 2025
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge The 95th General Assembly is called to order at noon today, Monday, January 13th, 2025. I would ask Ann Cornwell, director of the Senate and secretary of the Senate, to please call the roll.
Secretary of the Senate [Roll call]
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Thank you, Madam Secretary. I now recognize Senator Bart Hester to introduce our pastor for today.
Senator Bart Hester Well, I'll introduce my son in law, who's a worship pastor at Geyer Springs Baptist Church here in Little Rock, to say the prayer. Andrew.
Andrew Laney [Prayer]
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Thank you, Pastor, for those uplifting and encouraging words as we begin this session. Everyone please remain standing as the State Police color guard presents arms and posts colors. Followed by that, the Senate will be led in the Pledge of Allegiance by Arkansas National Guardsman Nick Hester.
[Pledge of Allegiance]
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Thank you, Nick. And welcome, everyone, to the Arkansas State Senate. I recognize that we have a very large crowd, many guests today in the gallery. The Senate may be seated. Or if you wish to stand, because of the number of guests, you may. I would ask that everyone exercise proper decorum today as we carry out the business of the Senate. At this time, I'd recognize Senator Blake Johnson.
Senator Blake Johnson I nominate Senator Bart Hester as Senate Pro Tem for the 95th.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Thank you, Senator Blake Johnson. Any second? Any discussion? I would ask that we vote on Senator Bart Hester for president Pro tempore of the 95th General Assembly by acclamation. All those in favor, please signify by saying aye. Any opposed. Ayes have it. Congratulations, Senator Hester. At this time, I would like to welcome Chief Justice Karen Baker to the Arkansas State Senate for the purpose of administering the oath of office to Senator Bart Hester, who represents District 33, to be sworn in again as president pro tem of the Arkansas Senate.
Justice Karen Baker I, Bart Hester, will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the state of Arkansas, and I will faithfully perform the duties of senator representing the 33rd District and pro-tem of the Arkansas Senate, so help me God. [Repeated]
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge At this time, I would recognize Senator Blake Johnson, Majority Leader, and Senator Greg Leding, Minority Leader, who will come forward and present the Senate lapel pin to Senator Bart Hester, president pro tempore of the Arkansas Senate. Senator Hester, you are recognized. And congratulations.
Senator Bart Hester Thank you. Thank you, members. Thank you for this privilege to lead the 95th Assembly. I want to thank my bride, Ashley, and my family for being here. You know, once you have kids get married and go off to college and join the military, it's something special to have them all together.
I want to welcome to the Senate Senator Jamie Scott. You're the only addition. You're the only addition to this veteran, experienced and effective body. We've all seen what's happening in California, and we can never control when a natural disaster hits us. But we can assure the people of Arkansas that we were prepared and ready to respond to it. Senator Caldwell, Senator Bryant and Dees, Senator Tucker know all too well the lessons learned from helping lead through a natural disaster. I think it's a heavy reminder to all of us the work we do and the priorities we make matter to the people of Arkansas.
Thanks to the leadership and guidance of former pro tems Jimmy Hickey and Jonathan Dismang, the state of Arkansas finds ourselves in a very strong position. I'd like to highlight just a few of those great things that have happened with leadership from this body. Thanks to the leadership, again, of Senator Dismang, Arkansas has a budget surplus of $3 billion and we've taken our income tax from 7.9 to 3.9%.
Thanks to the leadership of members like Terry Rice, Arkansas ranks number 2 out of 50 in protecting our 2nd Amendment rights. I've got quite a few of these, but I'm okay if you clap. Thanks to leaders like Breanne Davis and LEARNS, Arkansas has gone from 43rd in education to 38 in K-12 education in just the past year. Thanks to the leadership of Kim Hammer and Jim Dotson, Arkansas ranks third in election integrity, and I suspect when this session's over, we will be first in election integrity.
Senator Greg Leding led the push on rapid DNA testing, helping cut Arkansas' wait time on sexual assault test kits from eight months just a couple of years ago to now under two months. That's good work. Thanks to the leadership of Ben Gilmore with the Protect Arkansas Act, we're safer. And our low crime in Arkansas is one of the reasons that Arkansas is the number one inbound state for migration in the country. Over the 95th General Assembly, we've still got plenty of work to do.
Leaders like Josh Bryant and Missy Irvin will push Arkansas to be a national leader in protecting victims of human trafficking while sending a stiff message to the traffickers that we're going to find you and we're going to deliver the harshest penalties in the country. Senator Dees will continue to protect our kids by making Arkansas a national leader in school cell phone policies. No claps? No?
Arkansas has the lowest cost of energy in the US, thanks to Senator McKee. And thank you to Senator McKee for being laser focused on this to make sure Arkansas has a reliable, dispatchable energy grid. What can be more important than that? And finally, Majority Leader Blake Johnson has led and will continue to lead to keep China's influence out of our farmland and off of our college campuses. Thank you, Senator Blake Johnson.
There's a reason that Arkansas is the number one state for in-migration in the country, and it's because we are passing winning policies and people vote with their shoes. And there's a reason we continue to do great things. That's why people want to live, work and raise their families here in Arkansas. So let's get to work.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Thank you, Senator Hester. At this time I will recognize the secretary at the Senate.
Secretary of the Senate We're going to announce the following senators elected within their representative caucus to serve in leadership during this 95th General Assembly. Senator Blake Johnson, Majority Leader. Senator Greg Leding, Minority Leader. Senator Breanne Davis, Majority Whip. And Senator Frederick Love, Minority Whip.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Thank you, Madam Secretary. Senator Mark Hester, president pro tem of the Senate, appoints the following members to escort the Honorable Cole Jester, Secretary of State, to the Senate chamber for the purpose of delivering the certificates of election to members of the Senate. Senator Kim Hammer, Senator Reginald Murdock. Senator Hester, you're recognized.
Senator Bart Hester I've been told that they're not finished in the House with the Secretary of State. Is there any other business we can take care of or do we need to wait for a moment?
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge At this time, I will recognize Secretary of the Senate Ann Cornwell to announce the appointment of Senator Hester of the assistant pro tem of the Senate for the 95th General Assembly. We are on the second to last page or the last page of the agenda. We will go back when the Secretary of State makes his way to the Senate chamber.
Secretary of the Senate Senator Hester has appointed the following to serve as Assistant Pro Tems: 1st District, Senator David Wallace. Second District, Senator Clarke Tucker. 3rd District, Senator Tyler Dees. 4tg District, Senator Matt Stone. Senator Hester submits the following names of the Senate Ethics Committee to be found in the Senate Journal of the 95th General Assembly: Senator Missy Irvin, Chair. Senator Clarke Tucker, Vice Chair. Senator Breanne Davis. Senator Justin Boyd. Senator Blake Johnson. Senator Matt Stone. Senator Greg Leding. And Senator Jamie Scott as members of the Ethics Committee. Senator Hammer files the Efficiency Committee to be put in the journal the 95th General Assembly. Senator Kim Hammer, Chair. Senator Clarke Tucker, Vice Chair. Senator Stephanie Flowers. Senator Steve Crowell. Senator Jane English. Senator Gary Stubblefield. Senator Scott Flippo. Senator Terry Rice. Senator Blake Johnson. And Senator Ricky Hill. And he also submits a list of the session employees. Minority Leader Senator Blake Johnson submits the list of all the committees filed for the Arkansas Senate and to be filed in the Journal.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge I would ask the body as well as your guests to try to keep your conversations to a minimum as we're holding and waiting on the Secretary of State to arrive. Please remember that we are in the Senate chambers. If you do need to have a lengthy or even a lively conversation at this point, I would ask that you take it outside the chambers. Thank you all for your patience as we wait on the Secretary.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge The body will come back to order. At this time, Senators Hammer and Murdock will escort in the honorable Cole Jester, Secretary of State, to the well of the Senate to deliver these certificates of election to the members of the Senate. Mr. Secretary of State, you're recognized.
Cole Jester Mr. President pro tem, senators, family members, friends and honored guests, in accordance with Arkansas law, it is my honor to present the list of members elected to the State Senate of the 95th General Assembly. I, Cole Jester, Secretary of State for the State of Arkansas, hereby certify that each of the following members received the highest numbers of votes cast in their respective districts in the general election on November 5th, 2024, as certified to my office by the various county boards of Election Commissioners, beginning with Senator Ben Gilmore, State Senate District 1. Senator Steve Crowell, State Senate District 3. Senator Jimmy Hickey, State Senator for District 4. Senator Terry Rice, State Senate District 5. Senator Matt McKee, State Senate District 6. Senator Stephanie Flowers, State Senate District 8. Senator Jamie Scott, State Senate District 12. Senator Mark Johnson, State Senate District 17. Senator Jonathan Dismang, State Senate District 18. Senator Dave Wallace, State Senate District 19. Senator Dan Sullivan, State Senate District 20. Senator John Payton, State Senate District 22. Senator Scott Flippo, State Senate District 23. Senator Breanne Davis, State Senate District 25. Senator Gary Stubblefield, State Senate District 26. Senator Jim Petty, State Senate District 29. Senator Bart Hester, State Senate District 33. And Senator Jim Dotson, State Senate District 34. Congratulations.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Thank you, Mr. Secretary. Senator Bart Hester, president pro tem of the Senate, has appointed the following members to escort the Honorable Karen Baker, Chief Justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court, the Honorable Nicholas Bronni, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, and the Honorable LaTonya Austinbto the Senate Chamber for the purpose of administering the oath of office: Senator Missy Irvin and Senator Clarke Tucker. At this time, we are going to invite the Honorable LaTonya Austin, Honorable Circuit Judge for Pulaski County Circuit Court to administer the oath of office to Senator Jamie Scott of District 12.
Judge LaTonya Austin Please raise your right hand and repeat after me. I, Jamie Scott, do solemnly swear and affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the state of Arkansas and I will faithfully discharge the duties of state Senator representing District 12 to the best of my ability so help me God. Congratulations, Senator.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge At this time, Senator Bart Hester, president pro tem of the Senate, will present the Senate lapel pin to the newly elected senator, Jamie Scott. Congratulations, Senator Scott. At this time, the Honorable Nicholas Bronni, associate justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court, will administer the oath of office to the reelected returning senator, Senator Jim Dotson of District 34.
Justice Nicholas Bronni Raise your hand and repeat after me. I, Jim Dotson, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Arkansas and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office and I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of State Senator upon which I am about to enter so help me God. Congratulations.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge At this time. Senator Hester, president pro tem of the Senate, will present the Senate lapel pin to the newly reelected senator, Senator Dotson. Congratulations, Senator. At this time, the Honorable Karen Baker, chief justice at the Arkansas Supreme Court, will administer the oath of office to the reelected returning Senator Steve Crowell of District 3.
Justice Karen Baker I, Steve Crowell, do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the state of Arkansas and that I will faithfully perform the duties of Senate Senator for district 3 upon which I am about to enter so help me God. Congratulations.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Congratulations, Senator. And at this time, Senator Mark Hester, president pro tem of the Senate, will present the Senate lapel pin to the newly re-elected senator, Senator Steve Crowell.If the following members would please come forward as your name is called by the director and Secretary of the Senate.
Secretary of the Senate Senator Ben Gilmore District 1. Senator Jimmy Hickey Jr., District 4. Senator Terry Rice, District 5. Senator Matt McKee, District 6. Senator Stephanie Flowers, District 8. Senator Mark Johnson, District 17. Senator Jonathan Dismang, District 18. Senator David Wallace, District 19. Senator Dan Sullivan, District 20. Senator John Payton, District 22. Senator Scott Flippo, District 23. Senator Breanne Davis, District 25. Senator Gary Stubblefield, District 26. Senator Jim Petty, District 29.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Thank you, Madam Secretary. The Honorable Karen Baker, Chief Justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court, will administer the oath of office to the reelected returning senators. Chief Justice Baker.
Justice Karen Baker [Oath administered]
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Congratulations, senators. And at this time, Senate President Pro Tem Mark Hester will present the Senate lapel pin to the reelected returning senators. At this time. Senator Hester will present the Senate lapel pin to Senator Ben Gilmore. District 1. At this time he'll present the pen to Senator Jimmy Hickey, District 4. Senator Terry Rice, District 5. Senator Matt McKee, District 6. Senator Stephanie Flowers, District 8. Senator Mark Johnson, District 17. Senator Jonathan Dismang, District 18. State Senator David Wallace, District 19. Senator Dan Sullivan, District 20. Senator John Payton, District 22. Senator Scott Flippo, District 23. Senator Breanne Davis, District 25. Senator Gary Stubblefield, District 26. Senator Jim Petty, District 29. I would invite Senator Gary Stubblefield to the well with his family as well. They were not able to join us earlier in time for the swearing in. And so we did invite Senator Stubblefield and his family to the well, the oath of office to be sworn in, administered by Chief Justice Karen Baker.
Justice Karen Baker [Oath administered]
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Circuit Judge LaTonya Honorable, Associate Supreme Court Justice Nick Bronnie, and Chief Justice Karen Baker for administering the oath of office to our senators, thank you all. If those members who were just sworn in, administered the oath by the chief justice, if you would, please bring your oath. And so that way the chief justice can sign that oath immediately. And this time, I will recognize Senator Breanne Davis, the Rules Committee chair, to present the Senate rules of the 95th General Assembly. Senator Davis, you are recognized.
Senator Breanne Davis Thank you, Madam Chair. I move that we adopt the Senate rules of the 95th General Assembly as amended and approved by the Senate of the 95th General Assembly during its organizational meeting on November 7th, 2024.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Thank you, Senator Davis. Seeing no questions, all those in favor of adopting the rules as presented, please signify by saying aye. Any opposed. Ayes have it. The rules of the 95th General Assembly are adopted. Thank you, Senator. Senator Hester, president pro tempore of the Senate, appoints the following members to notify the Honorable Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Governor of the great state of Arkansas, that the Senate is organized and ready for business: Senator Jim Petty and Senator Frederick Love. Senator Bart Hester, president pro tem of the Senate, appoints the following members to notify the House of Representatives that the Senate is organized and ready for business: Senator Jim Dotson and Senator Jamie Scott. Madam Secretary, you're recognized. I'm sorry. Madam Secretary, you're recognized.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Concurrent Resolution 1 by Senator Hester to adopt the joint rules of the House of Representatives and the Senate of the 95th General Assembly. Senate Concurrent Resolution 1.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Rules Committee.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Joint Resolution 1 by Senator King an amendment to the Arkansas Constitution to require a vote of three fourths of each house of the General Assembly to enact, amend or repeal laws concerning access to public records or access to public meetings. Resolution 1.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge State Agencies.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Joint Resolution 2 by Senator King. A Constitutional amendment to create the Arkansas Apportionment Commission to appropriate districts for the House of Representatives, Senate and the United States House of Representatives. Senate Joint Resolution 2.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge State Agencies.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Resolution 1 by Senator Sullivan to honor St Bernards Medical Center in Jonesboro for being the first medical facility in the state to open a maternal life 360 home. Senate Resolution 2.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Calendar.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 1 by Senate Efficiency an act for the expenses of the Arkansas Senate of the 95th General Assembly. Appropriation for the 2025 fiscal year. Senate Bill 1.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Calendar.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 2 by Senator Penzo to repeal the Statewide Fluoridation Program, to repeal the mandate for water systems to maintain a fluoride content. Senate Bill 2.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Public Health.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 3 by Senator Sullivan To prohibit discrimination or preferential treatment by the state of Arkansas and other public entities. Senate Bill 3.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge State Agencies.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 4 by Senator Penzo to amend the law concerning public water systems to allow voters to elect for or against water fluoridation. Senate Bill 4.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge State Agencies.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 5 by Senator King an act to add the criminal offense of prescription drug harm or homicide. Senate Bill 5.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Judiciary.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 6 by Senator King to Create the Criminal Offense of Vaccine Harm. Senate Bill 6.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Judiciary.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 7 by Senator Penzo To allow members of the General Assembly to request a sales and use tax report from Department of Finance and Administration. Senate Bill 7.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Revenue and Tax.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 8 by Joint Budget an Act of the Department of Energy and Environment Division of Environmental Quality Supplemental Appropriation. Senate Bill 8.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 9 by Senator Davis to create the Make Arkansas Healthy Agaion Act and to prohibit manufacturing, selling, delivering, distributing, holding or offering for sale a food product that contains certain substances. Senate Bill 9.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Public Health.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 10 by Senator King to amend the Arkansas Data Centers Act of 2023 to regulate the impact on water usage and the electric grid by blockchain networks and digital asset mining. Senate Bill 10.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge City County Local.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 11 by Senator King to amend the Arkansas Data Centers Act of 2023 to amend the Uniform Money Services Act. Senate Bill 11.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Insurance and Commerce.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 12 by Senator King to amend the Freedom of Information Act of 1967 to subject all communication with the Board of Apportionment to the Freedom of Information Act of 1967 and to establish penalties. Senate Bill 12.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge State Agencies.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 13 by Senator Wallace to amend the law concerning civil actions brought by certain victims of sexual abuse and to allow a claim to be brought for injury caused by child sexual abuse at any time in certain circumstances. Senate Bill 13.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Judiciary.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 14 by Senator Wallace to allow for the direct payment or delivery of property to an apparent owner under the Unclaimed Property Act in certain circumstances. Senate Bill 14.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Judiciary.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 15 by Senator Boyd to amend the law concerning negligent discharge of firearms while hunting deer and to repeal Section 15-43-205 of Code. Senate Bill 15.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Agriculture.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 16 by Senator Boyd to amend the law concerning the discharge of a firearm at a train and to increase the fine that may be imposed for the discharge of a firearm at a train or for throwing other objects at a train. Senate Bill 16.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Transportation.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 17 by Senator Love to amend Luck's law to prohibit the sale of a dead human body that is intended to be cremated and to establish penalties for the sale of a dead human body. Senate Bill 17.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Public Health.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 18 by Senator Wallace to amend the Arkansas law concerning reports that the legislative auditor or improper or illegal practices. Senate Bill 18.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge State Agencies.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 19 by Joint Budget an Act for the Department of Energy and Environment Liquefied Petroleum Gas Board Appropriation for the 2025 2026 Fiscal Year. Senate Bill 19.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 20 by Joint Budget an Act for the Department of Corrections Arkansas Sentencing Commission Appropriation for the 2025 2026 Fiscal Year. Senate Bill20.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 21 by Joint Budget an act for the Department of Corrections Post-prison Transfer Board Appropriation for the 2025 2026 fiscal year. Senate Bill 21.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 22 by Joint Budget an Act for the Department of Inspector General Appropriation for the 2025 2026 Fiscal year. Senate Bill 22.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 23 by Joint Budget an Act for the Judicial Discipline and Disability Commission Appropriation for the 2025 2026 Fiscal Year. Senate Bill 23.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 24 by Joint budget an Act for the Arkansas State Game & Fish Commission Appropriation for the 2025 2026 fiscal year. Senate Bill 24.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 25 by Joint Budget an Act for the Department of Commerce State Insurance Department Appropriation for the 2025 2026 Fiscal year. Senate Bill 25.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 26 by Joint Budget an Act for the Department of Commerce Division of Aeronautics for Operations of the 2025 2026 Fiscal Year. Senate Bill 26.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 27 by Joint Budget an Act for the Department of Health Arkansas Minority Health Commission Appropriation for the 2025 2026 Fiscal Year. Senate Bill 27.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 28 by Joint Budget an Act for the Arkansas Ethics Commission Appropriation for the 2025 2026 Fiscal Year. Senate Bill 28.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 29 by Joint Budget an Act for the Arkansas Minority Health Initiative for the Department of Health Arkansas Minority Health Commission Appropriation for the 2025 2026 Fiscal Year. Senate Bill 29.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 30 by Joint Budget an Act for the Department of Health Arkansas Tobacco Settlement Commission Appropriation for the 2025 2026 Fiscal Year. Senate Bill 30.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 31 by Joint Budget an Act for the Department of Labor and Licensing Worker's Compensation Commission Appropriation for the 2025 2026 fiscal year. Senate Bill 31.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget. The presiding officer will remind members and guests that the Senate is still in session. We are continuing to conduct the business of this body. And so if you do have loud or lively conversations, I encourage you to take them out into the hallway as we finish up the business of the Senate for the day. Thank you so much. Madam Secretary, you're recognized.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 32 by Joint Budget an Act for the Department of Human Services Division of Youth Services Appropriation for the 2025 2026 fiscal year. Senate Bill 32.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 33 by Joint Budget an Act for the Department of Human Services Division of Medical Services Appropriation for the 2025 2026 Fiscal Year. Senate Bill 33.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 34 by Joint Budget an Act for the Department of Human Services Division of the Developmental Disabilities Services Appropriation for 2025 2026 fiscal year. Senate Bill 34.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 35 by Joint Budget an act for the Department of Human Services Division of Children and Family Services appropriation for the 2025 2026 fiscal year. Senate Bill 35.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 36 by Joint Budget an Act for the Department of Human Services Division of Aging, Adult and Behavioral Health Services appropriation for the 2025 2026 Fiscal Year. Senate Bill 36.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 37 by Joint Budget an act for the Department of Commerce Appropriation for the 2025 2026 fiscal year. Senate Bill 37.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 38 by Joint Budget an act for the Department of Health Licensing and Regulation Boards appropriation for the 2025 2026 Fiscal Year. Senate Bill 38.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 39 by Joint Budget an Act for the Department of Commerce Division of Workforce Services appropriation for the 2025 2026 Fiscal Year. Senate Bill 39.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 40 by Joint Budget an Act for the Bureau of Legislative Research Appropriation for the 2025 2026 Fiscal year. Senate Bill 40.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 41 by Joint Budget an Act for the Office of the Governor appropriation for the 2025 2026 Fiscal Year. Senate Bill 41.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 42 by Joint Budget an Act for the Office of the Lieutenant Governor Appropriation for the 2025 2026 Fiscal Year. Senate Bill 42.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 43 by Joint Budget an Act for the Department of Finance and Administration Assessment Coordination Division appropriation for the 2025 2026 Fiscal year. Senate Bill 43.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 44 by Senator Hester to clarify the law concerning when interim committees may meet during a regular recess. Senate Bill 44.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge State Agencies.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 45 by Senator Wallace to authorize the creation of the Women Veterans special license plate and to repeal the Pearl Harbor survivor license plate. Senate Bill 45.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Transportation.
Secretary of the Senate Senate Bill 46 by Senator Caldwell to reflect a merger between the University of Arkansas and East Arkansas Community College by changing the name of East Arkansas Community College to the University of Arkansas East Arkansas Community College. Senate Bill 46.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Education. Thank you, Madam Secretary. If there are any senators who were administered the oath today who have not been pinned, please come forward so that Senator Hester may-- or everyone. Any remaining senators who do not have the new pin, please come forward. At this time, I would recognize Representative Mike Holcomb on behalf of the members of the House of Representatives. Representative Holcomb, you are recognized.
Representative Mike Holcomb Thank you, Madam President. Thank you, Senate. We just want to let you know that the House of Representatives is duly organized and we're ready for business. Thank you.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Thank you, Representative. And thank you to the members of the House for notifying the Senate. At this time, I would recognize Senator Hester.
Senator Bart Hester Okay, members, we're about to wrap up here. I just want everyone to know that we will meet at 10 a.m. tomorrow in this chamber. We'll start session like we always do, then we will adjourn to go to the House. So we'll meet here at 10. At 10:10 or 10:15, we will adjourn to go to the House for the State of the State. We will recess because then we will come back. Sorry. That's right. Good point. We'll come in at 10. At 10:10 or 10:15, we will recess to go to the House for the State of State. After the State of the State, we will come back in here for any further business and adjourning.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Any further announcements at this time? If not, the Senate will stand adjourned until 10 a.m. on Tuesday, January 14th, 2025, subject to the clearing of the desk.