January 13: Senate transcript

House of Representatives

January 13, 2025


John Vines If we could have the extra individuals leave the floor. Every member should have theirs and plus one. And we'll get started shortly. In accordance with the provisions of Article 5, Section 11 of the Arkansas Constitution, and by authority vested in me by the rules the Arkansas House of Representatives Section 18, Subparagraph A, I John T Vines declare the House of Representatives of the 95th General Assembly to be officially convened. 

I invite all members, guests, staff, press and visitors on the chamber floor and in the House galleries to stand as you're able and be led in prayer by senior pastor Richard Hamlin, Faith Baptist Church, Cabot, Arkansas. Please remain standing as you're able for the presentation of the colors by the Cabot High School Junior ROTC color guard, and then be led in the Pledge of Allegiance by Representative Lane Jean and followed up with the singing of the national anthem by Mr. Zack Simmons, vocalist, Faith Baptist Church, Cabot, Arkansas.


Richard Hamlin Let's pray. Heavenly Father, we are grateful for the privilege that we have to come before you in prayer. We come mindful of the magnitude of this moment. As this body convenes itself for the transaction of business, we are mindful also, God, that there's no power except that that comes from you. Jesus, you have told us that all power in heaven and earth belongs to you. And therefore this body has its existence because they are ordained of you. You've told us to pray for them. And so, God, we want to fulfill that obligation here in this place today. He told us to pray that we, the governed, might live quiet and peaceable lives, that the gospel might have free course. We add to that God that Your Grace would sustain them and strengthen them, that You should watch over their families in the many weeks that are ahead of them in this long session, arduous session that will be ahead. Pray your blessings on them, your goddess and grace to overshadow them. In Jesus name, Amen.


John Vines The parliamentarian appoints the following named committee to notify the Secretary of State, the Honorable Cole Jester, that the General Assembly is convened and to escort him to the podium of the House chamber. Chairman Richard Womack, Representative David Whitaker, Representative Jack Ladyman, Representative Marcus Richmond. Representative Johnnie Rye, Representative Jim Wooten, Representative Denise Garner, Representative Jay Richardson, Representative Harlan Breaux, Representative Richard McGrew, Representative Howard Beaty. Representative Brandon Achor, Representative Ryan Rose, Representative Tara Shephard, Representative Tracy Steele, Representative Brad Hall, Representative Nick Burkes, Representative Jason Nazarenko. You can be seated.


Sergeant at Arms Mr. Parliamentarian.


John Vines For what purpose, Mr. Sergeant at Arms?


Sergeant at Arms Admittance of the Secretary of State, the Honorable Cole Jester.


John Vines Mr. Sergeant at Arms, please admit the Secretary of State for the State of Arkansas, the Honorable Cole Jester.


Sergeant at Arms Welcome, sir.


John Vines Mr. Secretary, you're recognized.


Cole Jester Mr. Speaker, representatives, family members, friends and our honored guests here today, it is my privilege, in accordance with Arkansas law, to present the list of members who have been elected to the state House of Representatives for the 95th General Assembly. I, Cole Jester, Secretary of State for the State of Arkansas, hereby certify that each of the following members received the highest number of votes cast in their district in the general election, held on November 5, 2024, as certified to the Office of the Secretary of State by the various county boards of election commissioners are the following members: 

Jeremy Wooldridge, State Representative for District 1. Trey Steimel, State Representative, District 2. Stetson Painter, State Representative, District 3. Jason Nazarenko State Representative, District 4. Ron McNair, State Representative, District 5. Harlan Breaux, State Representative, District 6. Britt McKenzie, State Representative, District 7. Austin McCollum, State Representative, District 8. Diana Gonzalez Worthen, State Representative, District 9. Mindy McAlindon, State Representative, District 10. Rebecca Burkes, State Representative, District 11. Hope Duke, State Representative, District 12. Scott Richardson, State Representative, District 13. Nicholas Burkes, State Representative, District 14. John Carr, State Representative, District 15. Kendon Underwood, State Representative, District 16. Randy Torres, State Representative, District 17. Robin Lundstrum, State Representative, District 18. Steve Unger, State Representative, District 19. Denise Garner, State Representative, District 20. Nicole Clowney, State Representative, District 21. David Whitaker, State Representative, District 22. Kendra Moore, State Representative, District 23. Brad Hall, State Representative, District 24. Chad Puryear, State Representative, District 25. James Eaton, State Representative, District 26. Steven Walker, State Representative, District 27. Bart Schulz, State Representative, District 28. Rick McClure, State Representative, District 29. Frances Cavenaugh, State Representative, District 30. Jimmy Gazaway, State Representative, District 31. Jack Ladyman, State Representative, District 32. John Milligan, State Representative, District 33. Joey Carr, State Representative, District 34. Jessie McGruder, State Representative, District 35. Johnny Rye, State Representative, District 36. Steve Hollowell, State Representative, District 37. Dwight Tosh, State Representative, District 38. Wayne Long, State Representative, District 39. Shad Pearce, State Representative, District 40. Alyssa Brown, State Representative, District 41. Stephen Meeks, State Representative, District 42. Rick Beck, State Representative, District 43. Stan Berry, State Representative, District 44. Aaron Pilkington, State Representative, District 45. Jon Eubanks, State Representative, District 46. Lee Johnson, State Representative, District 47. Ryan Rose, State Representative, District 48. Jay Richardson, State Representative, District 49. Zack Gramlich, State Representative, District 50. Cindy Crawford, State Representative, District 51. Marcus Richmond, State Representative, District 52. Matt Duffield, State Representative, District 53. Mary Bentley, State Representative, District 54. Matthew Brown, State Representative, District 55. Stephen Magie, State Representative, District 56. Cameron Cooper, State Representative, District 57. Les Eaves, State Representative, District 58. Jim Wooten, State Representative, District 59. Roger Lynch, State Representative 60. Jeremiah Moore, State Representative, District 61. Mark McElroy, State Representative, District 62. Lincoln Barnett, State Representative, District 63. Kenneth Ferguson, State Representative, District 64. Glenn Barnes, State Representative, District 65. Mark Perry, State Representative, District 66. Karilyn Brown, State Representative, District 67. Brian Evans, State Representative, District 68. David Ray, State Representative, District 69. Carlton Wing, State Representative, District 70. Brandon Achor, State Representative, District 71. Tracey Steele, State Representative, District 72. Andrew Collins, State Representative, District 73. Tippi McCollough, State Representative, District 74. Ashley Hudson, State Representative, District 75. Joy Springer, State Representative, District 76. Fred Allen, State Representative, District 77. Keith Brooks, State Representative, District 78. Tara Shephard, State Representative, District 79. Denise Ennett, State Representative, District 80. R.J. Hawk, State Representative, District 81. Anthony Furman, State Representative, District 82. Paul Childers, State Representative, District 83. Les Warren, State Representative, District 84. Richard McGrew, State Representative, District 85. John Maddox, State Representative, District 86. DeAnn Vaught, State Representative, District 87. Dolly Henley, State Representative, District 88. Justin Gonzales, State Representative, District 89. Richard Womack, State Representative, District 90. Bruce Cozart, State Representative, District 91. Julie Mayberry, State Representative, District 92. Mike Holcomb, State Representative, District 93. Jeff Wardlaw, State Representative, District 94. Howard Beaty, State Representative, District 95. Sonia Eubanks Barker, State Representative, District 96. Matthew Shepherd, State Representative, District 97. Wade Andrews, State Representative, District 98. Lane Jean, State Representative, District 99. And Carol Dalby, State Representative, District 100. 

We'll read it one more time just to make sure [laughter]. Congratulations.


John Vines Thank you, Mr. Secretary. The Parliamentarian appoints the following named committee to notify the Honorable Shawn Womack, Justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court, that the General Assembly is convened and is ready to take the oath of office and escort the justice to the podium to administer the oath of office to members of the House of Representatives of the 95th General Assembly. Chair Representative Carol Dalby. Representative Justin Gonzales. Representative Jimmy Gazaway. Representative Cindy Crawford. Representative Nicole Clowney. Representative Andrew Collins. Representative Tippi McCullough. Representative Joy Springer. Representative Howard Beaty. Representative Ashley Hudson. Representative Kendon Underwood. Representative Matthew Brown. Representative Hope Duke. Representative Steve Unger. Representative Scott Richardson. Representative Wade Andrews. Representative Lincoln Barnett. Representative Glenn Barnes. Representative James Eaton. Representative Dolly Henley.


Sergeant at Arms Mr. Parliamentarian.


John Vines For what purpose, Mr. Sergeant at Arms?


Sergeant at Arms Admittance to the justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court, the Honorable Shawn Womack.


John Vines Mr. Sergeant at Arms, please admit that the Honorable Shawn Womack, Justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court.


Sergeant at Arms Welcome, Your Honor.


John Vines Representative Womack, for what purpose? You're recognized.


Representative Richard Womack Mr. Parliamentarian, I move that the members elected and certified to the Arkansas House of Representatives for the 95th General Assembly be seated and that the oath of office be administered by the Honorable Shawn Womack, Justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court.


John Vines It's a proper motion. The question before the House is that members be seated and the oath of office be administered by the Honorable Shawn Womack, Justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court. Please register your vote on this motion by using your yellow present button. Madam Clerk, prepare the machine. Has everyone voted? Has everyone voted? Cast up the ballot, Madam Clerk. With 98 members-elect present, the motion passes. Are there any requests for leave? Representative Allen, you're recognized.


Sergeant at Arms Leave for Tara Shephard to be sworn in at a later time.


John Vines Is leave granted? Representative Joey Carr, you're recognized.


Representative Joey Carr I request leave for Mr. Jim Wooten to be sworn in at a later time.


John Vines Is leave granted? Ladies and gentlemen, as with most things or a lot of things or some things around the House, we're going to try this again to make sure we double record everyone's presence here today. So, Madam Clerk, prepare the machine. Has everyone voted? Cast up the ballot, Madam Clerk. With 98 still present-- one more time, ladies and gentlemen. Has everyone voted? Cast up the ballot, Madam Clerk. With 98 still present, the motion passes. We've done leave. It would not be the first day of session if that machine worked properly. So with that, we will recognize the Honorable Shawn Womack, Justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court.


Shawn Womack I just want to say that 26 years ago, as a 26 year old freshman representative, I stood right over there and took the same oath. So it's an honor, Mr. Parliamentarian, Speaker Evans, and members, to be allowed to be back in here. If you would, please raise your right hand and repeat after me. I, state your name, do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Arkansas, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the Office of State Representative, District number, upon which I am now about to enter so help me God. Congratulations.


John Vines Representative Vaught. Representative Vaught, you're recognized.


Representative DeAnn Vaught I have a motion.


John Vines State your motion.


Representative DeAnn Vaught I move the rules of the 94th General Assembly be adopted as the temporary rules of the 95th General Assembly.


John Vines That's a proper motion. The question before the House is adoption of the rules of the 94th General Assembly as the temporary rules of the 95th General Assembly. All in favor say aye. Opposed say no. Motion is adopted. Representative Beaty, you're recognized.


Representative Howard Beaty Mr. Parliamentarian, I wish to place in nomination the name of the Honorable Brian Evans as the Speaker of the Arkansas House of Representatives for the 95th General Assembly.


John Vines Representative Maddox, you're recognized.


Representative John Maddox Mr. Parliamentarian, I move that the nominations close for the speaker of the House.


John Vines That's a proper motion. The question before the House is to close nominations for Speaker of the House. All in favor, say aye. Opposed nay. Motion passes. Representative Les Warren, you're recognized.


Representative Les Warren Mr. Parliamentarian, I move that the vote of the entire membership of the House be recorded for the Honorable Brian S. Evans as the Speaker of the Arkansas House of Representatives for the 95th General Assembly.


John Vines That's a proper motion. The question before the House is that the vote of the entire membership of the House be recorded for the Honorable Brian S. Evans as the Speaker of the Arkansas House of Representatives for the 95th General Assembly. Prepare the machine, Madam Clerk. Has everyone voted? Cast up the ballot, Madam Clerk. With 97 yea and 3 not voting, Representative Brian S. Evans is hereby elected Speaker of the House of Representatives for the 95th General Assembly. The Parliamentarian appoints the following named committee to escort the Speaker to the podium and notify the Honorable Shawn Womack, Justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court, that the Honorable Brian S. Evans is ready to take the oath of office as Speaker of the Arkansas House of Representatives. Chair Representative DeAnn Vaught. Representative Lane Jean. Representative Matthew Shepherd. Representative Mark Perry. Representative Jeff Wardlaw. Representative Jon Eubanks. Representative Bruce Cozart. Representative Les Eaves. Representative Dwight Tosh. Representative Kenneth B Ferguson. Representative Fred Allen. Representative Fran Cavenaugh. Representative John Maddox. Representative Carlton Wing. Representative Lee Johnson. Representative Les Warren. Representative John Milligan. Representative Keith Brooks. Representative Stephen Walker. Representative Jeremiah Moore. Representative Bart Schultz. Representative R.J. Hawk. Representative Kendra Moore. Representative Stetson Painter. Representative Jeremy Wooldridge. Representative Trey Steimel. And Representatives Shad Pearce.


Sergeant at Arms Mr. Parliamentarian.


John Vines For what purpose, Mr. Sergeant at Arms?


Sergeant at Arms The admittance of the Speaker of the Arkansas House of Representatives, the Honorable Brian S. Evans.


John Vines Mr. Sergeant in Arms, please admit the Honorable Brian Evans, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Justice Womack, you are recognized to render the oath at your leisure.


Shawn Womack Raise your right hand and repeat after me. I, Brian S. Evans, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Arkansas and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Speaker of the House for the Arkansas Representatives upon which I am now about to enter so help me God. [repeated] Congratulations, Mr. Speaker.


John Vines For the first time. Mr. Speaker, you are recognized.


Speaker Brian Evans Thank you all very much. You may be seated. Thank you all very much for your trust in me, your confidence in my vision, and your support by your confirmation vote for me to serve as your Speaker of the House for the 95th General Assembly. I am grateful to each of you for your commitment to service, the sacrifices by which you are about to make, and the dedication you've shown to improving the lives of each of those we have the honor of serving. Sacrifice over self. That is something that I trust that you are committed to doing. 

But members, we are not alone in this journey. I want to recognize my amazing family that are here today, that have each, as yours have, sacrificed in their own way for us to be here and fulfill the duties of being a part of this body. Represented here are my biggest fans, as my daughter says. And the love and the support and the encouragement that they provide to me is invaluable. I also recognize my team back in Cabot at my office that show up every day and take great care of our very valuable clients. They're an incredible team. We're thankful for the sacrifices by which they make for me and for my family. 

Reflecting upon my journey, I realized that there are pivotal moments that often stem from seemingly very small decisions. Two such moments stand out to me today. In the spring of 1983, I made the decision to accept an invitation to come to this very chamber and to serve as a page. I clearly remember interacting with members with names such as Murphy, George, Mcquiston, Cunningham, Maddox, Langster, Hawkins and Mollineux -  pioneers of policy, statesmen that made a lasting impact on me due to me making that one small decision in time, a day coming to this chamber to serve as a page, a day about which I will never forget. 

Two years later, I chose to accept an invitation to serve as a delegate at Arkansas Boys State. It was a week spent learning about servitude, statesmanship, civic duty and accountability. It gave me an opportunity to see close and up front how government worked from the local to the state level. The week was highlighted by a moving and inspirational speech by former Governor Mike Huckabee. That week and his words changed my life forever. It was a lasting impact on me due to me making that one small decision in time, going to Arkansas Boys State, a week that I will never forget. 

There have been countless events and experiences of witnessing sacrifice over self that have impacted and shaped me and hopefully prepared me for this moment. Over the course of my life, I have listened to thousands of sermons. From the regular Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night services to youth rallies and revivals and radio broadcasts, I've heard some of the most dynamic and powerful messages ever delivered. About 20 years ago, I was in attendance for a sermon that made a tremendous impact upon my life. I believe it set a pathway for me into public service. 

I carry those verses from that sermon in my heart and in my mind every day, verses of a moment in time, where a sacrifice over self was inscribed into the gospel. Now, I know several of you have Bibles, New Testaments on your desk or have a Bible app. And if you would like to join me, I would invite you to read. Thank you for always taking care of me. I'd like to read from the Gospel of Mark. Mark chapter 14. And we will begin with verse 3. We will read verse 3 through verse 9. 

"And being in Bethany in the house of Simon, as he sat to eat, there came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment, of spikenard, very precious. She broke the box and poured it on his head. And there were some that had indignation within themselves and said, Why was this waste of the ointment made? For it might have been sold for more than 300 pence and have been given to the poor. And they murmured against her. 

And Jesus said, Let her alone. Why are you troubled by her? She hath brought a good work upon me. For you have the poor with you always. Whensoever you will may do good for them. But you never have. She has done what she could. And she came beforehand to anoint my body for the burial. And therefore, I say to you that wherever this story is told, preached throughout the entire world, this also that she has done shall be spoken as a memorial of her in this account of this selfless sacrifice.” 

I don't think it was a mistake that there is no mention in this gospel of the woman's name. There's no mention of who she was, where she came from, who her family was, where she worked, or how much she had. None of that was important. What we do know is that she came on her own free will. And she provided a selfless sacrifice, a sacrifice over self by breaking her alabaster box and anointing him with a very expensive fragrance. She didn't do this for a headline. She didn't do it for attention. She did it selflessly as a sacrifice for which she asked for nothing in return. Quite simply, as the word says, she broke her box. 

Secondly, we know that those in observance were angry. They were angry with her and they murmured about what could have been done by her with this expensive ointment. But he said, You have each had the opportunity to provide for those of which you complain about and you never do it. Do not chastise this one for the sacrifice of which she is making for she is doing a good work. And finally, he said that whenever this story is told, thousands of years ago, whenever this story is told, let it be told as a memorial or a remembrance of a good work by her. 

Now, you may be thinking, what does this have to do with me in the 95th General Assembly. And I say that it has everything to do with us. And it has been one of my prayers over this body for several months. I ask you to join me in a commitment of freewill sacrifice, selfless sacrifice of service. A service where we won't be seeking a headline. A service where we praise those who make a sacrifice on our behalf in the benefit of the constituents. Some time in history, whenever years are to come, someone else will be standing in this chamber and they will reflect upon our time here and our service to our constituents in the great state of Arkansas. And it will be a service as a memorial, not to us, but as to each of those that we serve. 

Colleagues, we all need to break our box and put our time into the greater good of all of those that we have the honor of serving. Earlier I mentioned my incredible family members that are here today. And I'm thankful that they could be here. 

However, there is someone that I want to tell you about that couldn't be here today. Back in 1983, my father drove me here on that day. While heading back home that day, he asked if I ever thought that serving in the House was something that I could ever see myself doing. And over the years he would occasionally ask me that again and again. And he would say, Brian, do you ever think you could see yourself serving in the Arkansas House of Representatives? And I would always say, yes, sir. And he would say, well, if you ever get there, if you ever get there, there's something that I want to ask you to do for me. 

He was overjoyed when I shared with him in 2017 that I would be announcing in 2018 to make a run for a House of Representatives seat. And throughout the campaign, he kept asking if I was really going to get this honor, and he would say, Now remember, I have that favor. Remember, There's something I want you to do for me. After winning my primary in 2018 and not having an opponent in the general election, he would ask me over and over if I was really going to be there. Are you really going to be there? Yes, sir. 

You see, early onset dementia had set in and it wasn't unusual for him to ask me the same thing over and over on any given day, multiple times a day. Yes, sir. I'm really going to be there in January of 2019. Sadly, he passed away in October of 2018, never getting to ask me for that favor. I've thought a lot about that since that time. And I think I know what he wanted to do. As a pastor and evangelist for over 50 years, he fully understood sacrifice over self. And I think he would have considered it a high honor to have been able to offer the opening prayer on a day while we were in session. So if you will rise and join me, I'm going to try and offer that same prayer over this body as we begin this session that I believe he would have given that day.

 Would you join me? Our most gracious, Heavenly Father, Lord, we come to you today standing united with bowed heads and hearts. Lord, ss this body prepares to take this step beginning today and tomorrow and into the days ahead of serving this great state, Lord, I ask, Father, that You give each and every one of these members a spirit of grace and humility. I ask, Lord, that each and every day whether they walk into a committee room or whether they walk up the hallowed steps of this building into this chamber, Lord, that there's always that lump in their throat, a lump of honor as they serve our state. 

Father, I pray for their families. I pray for that sacrifice that their families are making for their loved ones to be here. Protect them while they are gone. Protect them from all the negativity that can come along with serving in this position. Protect them, blind their eyes and cover their ears, Lord. Father, when these members go home at the end of each week, they go home to a house, welcomes them in, and is eager to listen to what has happened here during the week. Father, give them health. Give them strength as the days get long. 

Protect them in each and every decision that is made about every single bill that comes across their desk and every act that they do and every word that they say, may they always remember and keep you in the forefront of their minds and their hearts and let their bodies and their actions here be a light unto this state and unto this nation. Father, I ask all these things and Your precious son's name, the name of Jesus. Amen. 

Members, great sacrifice is often the foundation of great achievement. You may be seated. Rarely has progress ever been made without it. And as we begin this work, may we remember the call to serve selflessly, to lead with integrity, and to honor the trust placed in us by the people of Arkansas. God bless each of you. God bless your families, your work back home. God bless this body, the 95th General Assembly. And God bless the great state of Arkansas. Mr. Sergeant at Arms, you're recognized.


Sergeant at Arms Mr. Speaker, the presentation of the Senate delegation.


Speaker Brian Evans Welcome them to the House chamber. Senator Scott. You're recognized.


Senator Jamie Scott Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Senate would like to inform you that we are organized and ready for business.


Speaker Brian Evans Thank you. Thank you. Members, you may be seated. Members, I'd like to recognize our Arkansas state troopers that are here serving on our behalf today, Sergeant Austin Lay from Little Rock headquarters and Corporal John Howington, also of Little Rock. Please give them a welcome to our chamber. Also here with us is Dr. Naveen Patil, an infectious disease physician serving as our doctor of the day. Dr. Patil, welcome to the House chamber. Our nurses of the day who will be serving here with us are Leigh Fazio and Ebony Crutchfield. We welcome you here. Members, just a couple of items of housekeeping. Upon adjournment of the House, Justice Womack will be in the North Gallery to take photos individually with you and with your families. At this time, I'd like to announce the parliamentarian for the 95th General Assembly, the Honorable John T Vines.


Shawn Womack Raise your right hand and repeat after me. I, John T. Vines, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Arkansas and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the Office of Parliamentarian for the Arkansas House of Representatives upon which upon which I am now about to enter, so help me God. [repeated]


Speaker Brian Evans Representative Duffield, for what purpose?


Representative Matt Duffield Mr. Speaker, I move for the confirmation of your appointment of Ms. Sherri Stacks as the Chief Clerk of the Arkansas House of Representatives for the 95th General Assembly.


Speaker Brian Evans It's a proper motion. The question before the House is the confirmation of Ms. Sherri Stacks as the chief clerk of the Arkansas House of Representatives for the 95th General Assembly. Prepare the machine, Madam Clerk. Has everyone voted? Has everyone voted? Cast up the ballot, Madam Clerk. With a vote of 98 yeas, 0 nays, 0 present and 2 not voting, Sherri Stacks has been confirmed as the chief Clerk of the House for the 95th General Assembly.


Shawn Womack Raise your right hand and repeat after me, please. I, Sherri Stacks, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Arkansas and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the Office of Chief Clerk for the Arkansas House of Representatives upon which I am now about to enter so help me God. [Repeated] Congratulations.


Speaker Brian Evans Members, I declare the seating arrangement for the 19th General Assembly to be consistent with the seat assignments on file with the Chief Clerk and attested to by the signatures of the members of the House of Representatives. Without objection, so ordered. Madam Clerk, please read Concurrent Resolution 1001.


Madam Clerk House Concurrent Resolution 1001 for a joint session of the House of Representatives and the Senate at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, January 14th, 2025, to declare the election results, to administer the oath of office and to hear an address by the Governor.


Speaker Brian Evans Madam Clerk, read the resolution for a second time.


Madam Clerk House Concurrent Resolution 1001.


Speaker Brian Evans Madam Clerk, read the resolution a third time.


Madam Clerk House Concurrent Resolution 1001.


Speaker Brian Evans Representative Vaught, you're recognized to present House Concurrent Resolution 1001.


Representative DeAnn Vaught Thank you, Mr. Speaker. House Resolution 1001 does provide for a joint session of the House and Senate at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, January 14th, for the declaration of results from certain elections, to declare ballot issue results, and to hear an address by Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders.


Speaker Brian Evans Representative Vaught has presented the resolution. Does anyone wish to speak against the resolution? For the resolution? Representative Vaught, are you closed for the resolution? Representative Vaught is closed for the resolution. The question before the House is the passage of House Concurrent Resolution 1001. All in favor say aye. Opposed nay.     Congratulations, the resolution is adopted.

Members, at this time, I'd like to announce the name of the speaker pro tem for the House of Representatives for the 95th General Assembly. Representative Carlton Wing. Serving as the four assistant speakers pro tem for the 95th General Assembly will be Representative Dwight Tosh, Representative Fred Allen, Representative Kendra Moore and Representative Les Warren. 

At this time, members, I will announce the Chairs and the Vice Chairs of the ten standing committees of the House of Representatives for the 95th General Assembly. Starting with our committees. 

House Education: Chair, Representative Keith Brooks; Vice Chair Representative Brit McKenzie. 

House Judiciary: Serving as Chair, Representative Carol Dalby, Vice Chair, Representative Kendon Underwood. 

Serving House Public Health, Welfare and Labor: Chair, Representative Jeffrey Wardlaw, Vice-Chair Representative Jeremy Wooldridge. 

Serving the House Revenue and Taxation Committee: Chair, Representative Fran Cavenaugh, Vice-Chair, Representative David Ray. 

Serving the House Public Transportation Committee: Chair, Representative Mike Holcomb; Vice Chair, Representative John Milligan. 

Moving to our B committees. House Aging, Children and Youth: Serving as House Chair will be Representative Sonia Barker. Serving as Vice Chair will be Representative Mary Bentley. 

For the Committee on House Agriculture, Forestry and Economic Development, serving as the House Chair will be Representative Roger Lynch, serving as his Vice Chair will be Representative Jeremiah Moore. 

The House Committee on City, County and Local Affairs, serving as Chair, Representative Justin Gonzales, serving as Vice Chair, Representative Bart Schulz. 

For the Committee on House Insurance and Commerce, serving as Chair, Representative John Maddox, as Vice Chair, Representative Trey Steimel. 

Serving the House State Agencies and Governmental Affairs Committee, Chair, Representative Jimmy Gazaway, Vice Chair, Representative Rick Beck. 

At this time I will announce the Chairs and Vice Chairs of our select committees for the 95th General Assembly. House Rules, Chair, Representative Jon Eubanks; Vice Chair, Representative Shad Pearce. 

House Management, Chair, Representative DeAnn Vaught, Vice Chair, Representative Steven Walker. 

The Joint Committee on Energy, Chair Representative Matthew Shepherd; Vice-Chair, Representative Zack Gramlich. 

The Joint Committee on Public Retirement and Social Security Programs, Chair, Representative Les Warren, Vice Chair, Representative Kendra Moore. 

For the Joint Committee on Advanced Communications and Information Technologies, serving as Chair, Representative Stephen Meeks, Vice-Chair, Representative Austin McCollum. 

The Committee on Joint Performance Review, Chair, Representative Bruce Cozart, Vice Chair, Representative Tony Furman. 

At this time I will announce the Chairs and Vice Chairs for Joint Budget, Joint Audit and Arkansas Legislative Council. 

Serving as Chair of Joint Budget, Representative Lane Jean, Vice Chair, Representative Lee Johnson. Members, the respective subcommittees of Joint Budget and their Chairs and Vice Chairs will be released later this afternoon as Joint Budget will start meeting tomorrow morning. 

Serving as Chair of Joint Audit, Representative Robin Lundstrum, Vice Chair, Representative R.J. Hawk. 

Serving as Chair of the Arkansas Legislative Council, Representative Les Eaves, Vice Chair, Representative Jack Ladyman. The respected subcommittees of Audit and ALC and their Chairs and Vice Chairs will be released at a later date. 

Members, I will also encourage you, if you haven't already, start watching your emails. You're going to start getting flooded this afternoon with a lot of information, including on those joint committees where we announce the Chairs and the Vice Chairs and the members that will be serving on those committees. 

Members, I appoint the following named committee to notify the Honorable Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Governor of the State of Arkansas, that the House is duly organized and ready for business: serving as Chair, Representative Stephen Meeks, Representative Steve Magie, Representative Ron McNair, Representative Robin Lundstrum, Representative Mary Bentley, Representative Karilyn Brown, Representative Sonia Barker, Representative Roger Lynch, Representative Stan Berry, Representative Cameron Cooper, Representative Denise Ennitt, Representative Mark McElroy, Representative John Carr, Representative Rebecca Burkes, Representative Mindy McAlindon, Representative Matt Duffield, Representative Brit McKenzie, Representative Jessie McGruder, Representative Paul Childress, Representative Diana Gonzales Worthen. If you will please notify the Governor. 

At this time I'll appoint the following committee to notify the Senate that the House is duly organized and ready for business: serving as Chair, Representative Mike Holcomb, Representative Rick Beck, Representative Austin McCollum, Representative Steve Hollowell, Representative Aaron Pilkington, Representative Julie Mayberry, Representative Joy Springer, Representative David Ray, Representative Rick McClure, Representative Tony Furman, Representative Wayne Long, Representative Joey Carr, Representative Chad Puryear, Representative Zack Gramlich, Representative Alyssa Brown and Representative Randy Torres. If you will, please notify the Senate that the House is organized and ready for business. 

Members, at this time, staff, we will do the presentation of the lapel pins for the 95th General Assembly. Staff, if you would pass these out to our new House members. Representative Lane Jean, for what purpose?


Representative Lane Jean Announcement.


Speaker Brian Evans You're recognized for an announcement.


Representative Lane Jean Joint Budget will meet tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. in Big Mac A. We're going to adopt our rules. We'll do our seating chart. And we'll have to pass, the first thing we do, is a general appropriation. So 9 a.m. tomorrow morning, Big Mac A.


Speaker Brian Evans Representative Wing, for what purpose?


Representative Carlton Wing Announcement.


Speaker Brian Evans You're recognized for an announcement.


Representative Carlton Wing I've got two announcements, actually. For everyone who is concerned and looking forward to the offices, those will be announced very shortly. I would say within the next hour or so. So check your emails. And the offices will be ready and you will be able to move in this afternoon. And for the first time, at least in our brief history, every single member will have an office. So there we go. The second announcement is each of you should have this sheet on your desk. Please make sure that you have signed that, because regardless of whether or not you've taken the oath of office, if it's not recorded, we're going to have some issues. So sign this and leave it on your desk and we will come and pick it up. Thank you.


Speaker Brian Evans Representative Vaught, for what purpose?


Representative DeAnn Vaught Announcement.


Speaker Brian Evans You're recognized for an announcement.


Representative DeAnn Vaught House Management will meet tomorrow in room 138 at 1:30.


Speaker Brian Evans Representative Bart Schulz, for what purpose?


Representative Bart Schulz Point of personal privilege.


Speaker Brian Evans You're recognized for a point of personal privilege.


Representative Bart Schulz I just want to wish my two sons, Sam and Jack, who are in the VIP gallery right there, a happy 8th birthday.


Speaker Brian Evans Members, I'd like to take a moment if you all will cast your attention also to the North Gallery. A guest today of Representative Jeremy Wooldridge is his father, the Honorable Tim Wooldridge, former member of this body and also the Arkansas Senate. Please welcome him. And also in the North Gallery is a guest of Representative Hope Duke. We have her father, the honorable Kim Hendren, also a former member of the House and Senate bodies. Representative Meeks, for what purpose?


Representative Stephen Meeks Motion.


Speaker Brian Evans You're recognized for a motion.


Representative Stephen Meeks So in honor of all the family and friends who help make possible what we do, closing us out today, I've got the assistance of Mr. Owen Walker here. Okay. So, Mr. Speaker, after the announcements, reading of the bills, transferring the bills, placing the calendars on the desk, members amending their own bills with their own amendments, members withdrawing their own bills, finalizing resolutions, reading communications, and any remaining committee reports, I move that we adjourn until...


Owen Walker 9 a.m. tomorrow.


Speaker Brian Evans Members, that's a very proper motion. Non debatable. All those in favor say aye. Opposed nay. The ayes have it. We are adjourned.