House Bill 1002: General Appropriation Act
Senate Resolution 2: Year of the Arkansas Physician
Adoption of Senate Code of Ethics
January 16, 2025
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge The Senate will be called to order. Are there any requests for leave at this time? Senator Petty, you're recognized. Senator Petty, you're recognized. We're asking if there are any leave requests at this time.
Senator Jim Petty Leave for Senator King and Senator Stubblefield.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Thank you. Thank you, Senator Petty. Madam Secretary, would you please call the roll? [Roll call] Thank you, Madam Secretary. If everyone in the chamber and in the galleries would please rise for the prayer and pledge, Senator John Payton will be introducing our pastor, Pastor Allen Jackson. Senator Payton, you're recognized.
Senator John Payton Thank you, Madam President. Good morning, colleagues. It's my pleasure to introduce Pastor Allen Jackson. Just real quickly, I'll tell you, he's a new friend of mine. I just met him this morning. But my son in law's in the ministry. My daughter and their family visited his church in Greenbrier. And he's part of a large group of pro-Israel people across the United States that are looking to develop some government relations. And so he came to the Capitol this morning. I've been showing him around. Hopefully you'll get a chance to introduce yourself to him. But he's with Faith Baptist Church in Greenbrier, Arkansas. And it's called BZ PAC is the pro-Israel group that he's with. But please welcome him as he leads us in prayer. [Prayer]
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Thank you, Pastor, for your encouraging words to begin this day. Ladies and gentlemen in the gallery, welcome to your Arkansas State Senate. It is our expectation that each of you will exercise proper decorum and govern yourselves accordingly during today's proceedings. Without objection, the rules will be suspended and the Senate will dispense with the reading of the Journal. The morning hour has now begun. Are there any announcements at this time? If not, Madam Secretary, are there items at the desk?
Secretary Yes, ma'am. We your committee on engrossed bills to whom was referred Senate Bill 5 by Senator King compared the engrossed copy with the original and return the same correctly engrossed.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Judiciary.
Secretary We your committee on engrossed bills to whom was referred Senate Bill 6 by Senator King compared the engrossed copy with the original and return the same correctly engrossed.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Judiciary.
Secretary We your committee on Rules to whom was referred Senate Concurrent resolution 1 by Senator Hester recommend do pass.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Calendar.
Secretary Senate Bill 71 by Joint Budget an act for the Administrative Office of the Court Court Personnel Appropriation for the 2025-26 Fiscal Year. Senate Bill 71.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget.
Secretary Senate Bill 72 by Joint Budget an act for the Administrative Office of the Court Appropriation for the 2025 2026 Fiscal Year. Senate Bill 72.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget.
Secretary Senate Bill 73 by Senator Blake Johnson To create the access to credit for a rural economy acre act and to provide an income tax deduction for certain agricultural loans. Senate Bill 73.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Revenue and Tax.
Secretary Senate Bill 74 by Joint Budget an act for the Department of Veterans Affairs Appropriation of the 2025 2026 fiscal year. Senate Bill 74.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget.
Secretary Senate Bill 75 by Joint Budget an act for the Department of Education Arkansas School for the Blind and Arkansas School for the Deaf appropriation for the 2025 2026 Fiscal Year. Senate Bill 75.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Joint Budget.
Secretary Senate Resolution 2 by Senator Irvin to congratulate the Arkansas Medical Society-- oh, this is on the calendar.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Thank you, Madam Secretary. There's no further business or announcements, the morning hour has expired. I apologize. Senator Dismang, did you have an announcement? We will now start the business agenda and we will begin with the budget calendar. Or did you want to begin with the resolution? We'll begin with budget, with HB 1002.
Secretary House Bill 1002 by Joint Budget the General Appropriation Act of 2025 2026 Fiscal year.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Senator Dismang, you're recognized.
Senator Jonathan Dismang Members, this is what we voted on in Joint Budget yesterday, our General Appropriation Act. It's going to allow for interim reimbursements for the House and Senate.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Any questions for the senator? Seeing none, Madam Secretary, please call the roll. Without objection, we will roll the vote. [Vote] Any senator who wishes to change his or her vote or who did not vote and wishes to vote at this time? Seeing no one, please cast up the ballot. By a vote of 33 yea 0, nay, House Bill 1002 passes and the corresponding emergency clause is adopted. Please transmit to the House-- rather, please return to the House. Senator Irvin, we will now take up Senate Resolution 2.
Secretary Senate Resolution 2 by Senator Irvin to congratulate the Arkansas Medical Society and to celebrate 2025 as the year of the Arkansas physician.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Senator Irvin, you're recognized.
Senator Missy Irvin Thank you, Madam Chair. Colleagues, members of the Senate, it is really my distinct honor and pleasure to commemorate the 150 years of celebrating the Arkansas Medical Society. I'm not going to read the whole resolution, but I just want to highlight a few things. And so this resolution that I am presenting today is to congratulate the Arkansas Medical Society and to celebrate 2025 as the year of the Arkansas physician.
Whereas 150 years ago, in October of 1875, 225 Arkansas physicians formed what is now the Arkansas Medical Society. And whereas, from the inception of the Arkansas Medical Society, the physician members of the society have made it their mission to advance the art and science of medicine and improve health and well-being of the citizens of the state of Arkansas. And whereas, over the past 150 years, the physicians of the Arkansas Medical Society have been instrumental in addressing the health needs of the state and the monumental efforts of these physicians, while often obscured by the passage of time, deserve our lasting appreciation with the effort.
Some of these I will highlight: The creation of the state's first Board of Health in 1879, the development of the first medical licensing laws in 1893 and 1903, the establishment of the Arkansas Tuberculosis Sanatorium in 1909, educational efforts to alleviate typhoid fever and malaria in 1917, the creation of the Medical Practice Act in 1929, the creation of Arkansas Blue Cross in 1948, sponsorship of the statewide polio vaccination program in 1958, and supporting the establishment of what is now the College of Medicine at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. And throughout the years, the physicians of the Arkansas Medical Society have supported this General Assembly in its efforts to enact legislation designed to improve public health and access to medical care, including the Patient Protection Act of 1995, the Arkansas Clean Indoor Air Act of 2006, the development of the statewide trauma system in 2009 and common sense reforms designed to reduce burdensome insurance carrier practices that delay the delivery of medical care.
And during the Coronavirus pandemic, the Medical Society, in cooperation with the governor's office, organized a statewide distribution effort to provide PPE to medical clinics that were struggling. And over 50 years, they have provided volunteer medical care to members of the House of Representatives and the Senate, the State Capitol staff and visitors to the State Capitol during the sessions of the General Assembly through what is now known as the Doctor of the Day program. They do that by volunteer, while every day what we're in session, they provide us with medical care.
Whereas the Dr. H. Elvin Sheffield Capitol Infirmary, sponsored by the Arkansas Medical Society, is located on the third floor of the State Capitol. It was officially dedicated by the 72nd General Assembly on April 16th of 1890. Members, I would just say that's just a list of some of the things that they have really been in partnership with us and our previous colleagues that have served in the General Assembly, and they've led the way on all of these really important things to promote and advance health care and well-being of our citizens. And so it's an honor to be here with the executive committee of the Arkansas Medical Society. Dr. Conner is the president.
I will say that my father, Dr. Jerry Thomas, has served as well. But my mother at one time was president of the Arkansas Medical Society Auxiliary, which were all the spouses that also push forward legislation, particularly on teenage pregnancy back in the day, because I was here lobbying with you guys when I was a teenager. And so with that, I would just ask for a good vote for this resolution and give them a round of applause for all that they've accomplished over these 150 years. Thank you.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Thank you. Thank you, Senator Irvin, for that. And all those in favor of Senate Resolution 2 to congratulate the Arkansas Medical Society and to celebrate 2025 as the year of the Arkansas Physician please signify by saying aye. Any opposed? Ayes have it. Senate Resolution 2 is adopted. Congratulations.
Senator Missy Irvin Thank you.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge That concludes our business agenda. Are there additional matters to be taken up or announcements to be made? Senator Irvin, you're recognized.
Senator Missy Irvin Members, I'm here as chair of Senate Ethics Committee. The Senate Ethics Committee met yesterday to consider changes to and the adoption of the Senate Code of Ethics. The committee voted to recommend to the Senate the adoption of the Senate Code of Ethics with two changes. And those changes are on your desks in front of you. Quickly, the change that is listed under Senators Hammer and Tucker just clarifies the attorney's role and our staff's role and the proceedings of any type of a claimant or respondent.
And then the second one is a Senator Tucker change. And since we have decoupled or split the code of ethics away from the Senate rules, it's no longer rule 24 of the Senate rules. It's its own stand alone policy, we have to include this language so that we are operating under the Senate rules for any changes made to the code of ethics. And so that's just making us consistent with our Senate rules. But it's not part of the rules anymore. So I can try to clarify that. If you have any questions, happy to take any of those questions. The committee met yesterday and approved these two changes with the recommendation that we now adopt the code of ethics with these two changes.
So we are going to continue our work on the code next week with some additional changes that we just didn't come to a consensus on. So with that, I think it's important to go ahead and get something in place now with these two changes. And I'm happy to answer any questions.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Any questions for Senator Irvin? Seeing no questions.
Senator Missy Irvin Okay. I move that the Senate adopt the Senate Code of Ethics as recommended by the Senate Ethics Committee.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Thank you, Senator. All those in favor, please signify by saying aye. Any opposed? Ayes have it. It is adopted. Senator Blake Johnson, you're recognized.
Senator Blake Johnson I need to meet with the Republican caucus just for a moment after we get done in 309.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Thank you, Senator. Any other announcements? Senator Mark Johnson.
Senator Mark Johnson Thank you, Madam President. Joint Energy is scheduled to meet in 179 or 178, I'm blanking out on the room, for the organizational meeting. It says 15 minutes after adjournment. I know that Senator Blake Johnson has a brief meeting of caucus. 171. Yeah, and it's down here. But that's both Houses, so I don't know where the House is on their adjournment schedule. But if you're on Joint Energy, we'll be down there when we can all get down there. Thank you.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Thank you, Senator Johnson. Other announcements? Senator Dotson, You're recognized.
Senator Jim Dotson Thank you, Madam Chair. Joint Energy will meet upon adjournment of both chambers on Tuesday. Sorry, did I say Energy? Joint Retirement. Joint Retirement will meet upon adjournment of both chambers on Tuesday. And keep in mind, the deadline for filing retirement bills is quickly approaching. I think it's January 27th.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Any other announcements? Senator Irvin.
Senator Missy Irvin Members, today at 1:30 in the rotunda is a press conference celebrating the 150 years of the medical society. So if you're around, please attend. We'd love to have you.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Any other announcements? Seeing no other announcements, Madam Secretary, are there items at the desk?
Secretary Yes. Senate Bill 76 by Senator Johnson to amend the law concerning miscellaneous prohibited practices under the Arkansas Insurance Code and to clarify fees collected by certain brokers. Senate Bill 76.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Insurance and Commerce. Any other announcements or business before the body? If not, the Senate will stand in adjournment, subject to the clearing of the desk, until Tuesday, January 21st, 2025, at 1:30 p.m.