January 21: Senate Insurance and Commerce transcript

Senate Insurance and Commerce Committee

January 21, 2025


Senator Blake Johnson [00:00:10] The chair calls Insurance and Commerce to order. We're going to begin. Senator Boyd is running a bill up in Agriculture. He may or may not come in. This is pretty much strictly an organizational meeting. So we will begin by introducing staff. Michelle Nelson is our committee analyst. Cathy Lett is our administrative assistant. There's Cathy. And our attorney is Alex Stephens. Membership knows that. 

If you would look at your Senate rules for organization. I will accept a motion to adopt the rules. Motion by Senator Johnson, second by Senator McKee. All in favor, say aye. All opposed like sign. Thank you, senators. We're going to begin with, I guess, you guys outnumber us in the room, but we're just going to, if it's okay, instead of coming to the mic, if you would just stand and introduce yourself. 

So we have a few new people that haven't been on the committee, me being one and, Senator Flowers, have you served on Insurance and Commerce before? One session? So if you would, just introduce yourself. We'll start over here.

[Off-mic introductions]

Senator Blake Johnson [00:07:51] Is there anybody else back there behind the column? I can't see. Anybody else want to introduce theirself?Thank you, members. Unless you all want to introduce yourself, we're good. Thank you. We'll probably begin business Thursday, and we are adjourned.