January 22: House City, County, Local transcript

House of Representatives City, County, and Local Committee

January 22, 2205


Representative Justin Gonzales [00:00:00] .... run his bills, we'd have something to do other than a committee picture. So with that being said, the chair sees a quorum. Those wishing to speak for or against this bill, if y'all would please sign up if there's anybody here to do that, which I doubt there is. And with that, Representative Walker, you are welcome to present your bill.


Representative Steven Walker [00:00:21] I'm glad I could help out today. So I've got House Bill 1137 and I'm not going to read it to you unless you want me to. But basically, it's a simple bill like they all are. It separates the offices of sheriff and tax collector in Searcy County. There will be an election process, so it'll be effective January 1, 2027. The general election 2026 is when they'll run. 

But anyway, currently these responsibilities are combined under a single office. But growing complexities in both law enforcement and tax collection warrant their separation. The bill has received strong local support, including a formal resolution from the county demonstrating the community desire of this change. But that's about all there is to it. The Quorum Court will decide what the compensation is and so it pretty much gives them that local control. But I'm open for questions when you guys are ready.


Representative Justin Gonzales [00:01:18] Any questions by committee members?


Representative Steven Walker [00:01:20] There's always one.


Representative Justin Gonzales [00:01:22] Representative Richardson, you're recognized.


Representative Scott Richardson [00:01:26] There we go. Thank you, Mr. Chair. So just a general question. Wondering how many exactly deputies they expect to hire.


Representative Steven Walker [00:01:41] That'll be a good question. I'm assuming they've already hired those deputies. There won't be any change there. I do know on the sheriff, it's just hard for him to be able to manage both offices with the growing demand out there and the focus in law enforcement that we have now.


Representative Scott Richardson [00:01:58] And follow up. That's right. You say you don't follow. My mistake. All right. Yeah. I also serve on Judiciary, and that's a little different.


Representative Justin Gonzales [00:02:12] You were trained well.


Representative Scott Richardson [00:02:12] The second question that I have for you, just really quickly. It doesn't say anything about hiring additional tax collector individuals. So I'm assuming, unless that's what we refer to them as deputies.


Representative Steven Walker [00:02:29] I'm assuming they're already hired too. It's just basically giving oversight of both offices, just separating it so the sheriff is not having to maintain both offices. I know, speaking with the quorum court, the biggest issue is the sheriff is overwhelmed over on the sheriff's side of the job that he's not able to go in and manage the employees that are currently there for the tax collectors. And so all this does is just create a separate elected position to oversee the people that's already in the tax collection office.


Representative Scott Richardson [00:03:02] That was a great explanation. I appreciate that.


Representative Justin Gonzales [00:03:07] Representative Rye, you are recognized for a question. 


Representative Johnny Rye [00:03:12] Representative Walker, just one question. This has already went through the quorum court and they've all agreed?


Representative Steven Walker [00:03:18] We ran a resolution, I believe it was in November, to show that they were on board with it. It also gave the public or anybody that wanted to ask questions to be able to come in and ask questions. We had the county attorney there that was able to help assist with those questions. And they passed the resolution backing this.


Representative Johnny Rye [00:03:38] Thank you, Representative Walker. Thank you, Mr. Chair.


Representative Justin Gonzales [00:03:43] Any other questions? Any questions from-- Representative Painter. Okay, hang on just a second, please. There's nobody in the audience signed up to speak for or against this bill. Was there anybody that would like to? All right. Representative Walker, are you closed for your bill?


Representative Steven Walker [00:04:06] Closed.


Representative Justin Gonzales [00:04:06] Representative Painter, you are recognized. All right. We have a motion do pass. All in favor, say aye. All opposed. Ayes have it. Congratulations. You have passed your bill.


Representative Steven Walker [00:04:18] Thank you, committee.


Representative Stetson Painter [00:04:24] Well, committee, let me just do this. Without any further business, we are adjourned. If you all want to hang around for a little bit, see if the photographer shows up. You're welcome to, if you all have other things you need to do, you're welcome to go. And we'll try to reschedule that since they weren't here on time.