January 22: Senate Judiciary transcript

Senate Judiciary Committee

January 22, 2025


Senator Alan Clark [00:00:03] We're going to get started. We had the committee photograph lined up first, but we're got two other things we're going to do before the photograph. We're going to give our other members a minute to get here. We need to look back at our rules again. All of you should have a copy of the rules in your packet. Have you all got a copy of the rules in your packet? 

The second thing there, parliamentary procedure, says, 'except as otherwise specified in the Senate rules.' When we approved the rules last week, they had left 'Senate' out. That's the only change. And it'd be best that we get it correct. Somebody make a motion? And second. Any discussion. All for the motion signify by saying aye. All against? Motion carries. Rules are re-adopted. 

Okay. And we're going to get Senator Wallace out of here. He thinks he has a short bill. And to allow our other members to get here for the picture. We're going to take Senate Bill 13. Is that correct?


Senator Dave Wallace [00:01:27] Yes, sir.


Senator Alan Clark [00:01:28] Senator Wallace, you are recognized.


Senator Dave Wallace [00:01:30] Thank you, Mr. Chair. Fellow senators, this is an amendment to a good bill last year and is designed to--


Senator Alan Clark [00:01:41] We can't hear you, Senator Wallace.


Senator Dave Wallace [00:01:43] I'll pull this thing down. This is an amendment to a good bill that we did two years ago. It is designed to protect money that is already set aside at the national level for the state of Arkansas for over 500 victims of abuse. The Boy Scout organization has set that money aside. There is a lawsuit ongoing moving through our system now, but if that lawsuit wins, this money that has been set aside for our victims in Arkansas would be diverted to Texas, Michigan and other states. 

This bill will keep that money in the state of Arkansas. SB 13 is a narrowly tailored piece of legislation designed to protect the awards already obtained by the Arkansas victims of Scouting and the Boy Scout Bankruptcy Trust. There are over 500 Arkansas victims who have made claims in the Boy Scout Bankruptcy Trust. This money is awarded to those who won. Their claims is already committed. In other words, if it doesn't go to the Arkansas victims, it will go to the victims of other states. And with that, I will stand by for your questions.


Senator Alan Clark [00:03:03] Are there any questions by the committee? Senator Stubblefield, you are recognized.


Senator Gary Stubblefield [00:03:10] Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Senator Wallace, thank you for bringing this bill.


Senator Dave Wallace [00:03:14] Thank you, sir.


Senator Gary Stubblefield [00:03:15] There are actually other states trying to take Arkansas money that's been set aside?


Senator Dave Wallace [00:03:20] Not actively trying to take it. But there is a lawsuit moving through our judicial system in the state of Arkansas sexual predator who is claiming that the bill that we did two years ago is not constitutional. If he wins, then that money would leave the state of Arkansas and go to other states. This amendment precludes that from happening in the remote chance that he does win.


Senator Gary Stubblefield [00:03:53] Has there been a ruling on that bill?


Senator Dave Wallace [00:03:55] No, it's just moving through the system. This is a safeguard in place in case he does win.


Senator Gary Stubblefield [00:04:02] Okay. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


Senator Alan Clark [00:04:04] Any other questions from the committee? Senator Wallace, who is behind this bill?


Senator Dave Wallace [00:04:12] The victims of the state of Arkansas that were former Boy Scouts.


Senator Alan Clark [00:04:16] And they brought it to you?


Senator Dave Wallace [00:04:18] Yes, sir.


Senator Alan Clark [00:04:18] Okay. Thank you. Any other questions from the committee? Hearing none, is there anyone in the audience who would like to speak for or against? No one has signed up. We see no one. Motion from the committee. Motion do pass from Senator Stubblefield. Second from Senator Gilmore. Any discussion? All for the motion signify by saying aye. All against? Congratulations, Senator Wallace. You have passed your bill and given the three members time to get here for the photograph.


Senator Dave Wallace [00:04:58] Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you for allowing me to go first. Members, thank you.


Senator Alan Clark [00:05:02] So next thing on the committee agenda is the committee photograph. Five minute recess. Do we need to hammer for that? We're going to recess for five minutes for the photograph.


[00:05:19] [Recess]


Senator Alan Clark [00:07:27] Okay. We're gaveled back into business. We've got two bills here from Senator King. I don't see Senator King. Has anyone else got any business? No, I'm working with him on that. He's got an amendment for it before he can run it. Seeing no other business, we are adjourned.