House of Representatives
January 14, 2025
Speaker Brian Evans I invite all members, guests, staff, press and visitors on the chamber floor and in the House galleries to stand as you were able to be led in prayer by Senior Pastor Richard Hamlin, Faith Baptist Church, Cabot, Arkansas. Then to be led in the Pledge of Allegiance by Representative Lane Jean.
Pastor Richard Hamlin [Prayer]
Speaker Brian Evans Someone took the flags. Members, if you would, you may be seated. Please indicate your presence by pushing your yellow present button. Prepare the machine, Madam Clerk. Has everyone made their presence known? Cast up the ballot, Madam Clerk. With 94 members present, the chair sees a quorum. Are there any requests for leave? Representative Richardson, for what purpose?
Representative Scott Richardson Leave.
Speaker Brian Evans I'll hear your leave.
Representative Scott Richardson Leave for Representative Perry.
Speaker Brian Evans Is leave granted for Representative Perry? Representative Lundstrum, for what purpose?
Representative Robin Lundstrum Leave for Representative Ladyman.
Speaker Brian Evans Is leave granted for Representative Ladyman? Representative McCullough, for what purpose?
Representative Tippi McCullough Leave.
Speaker Brian Evans I'll hear your leave.
Representative Tippi McCullough Leave for Representative Hudson.
Speaker Brian Evans Is leave granted for Representative Hudson? Representative Joey Carr, for what purpose?
Representative Joey Carr Leave.
Speaker Brian Evans I'll hear your leave.
Representative Joey Carr Leave for Representative Jim Wooten and to be sworn in at a later time.
Speaker Brian Evans Is leave granted for Representative Jim Wooten and to be sworn in at a later date? Leave is granted. So moved. Representative Matthew Shepherd moves that we dispense with the reading of the previous day's journal. No objection, so ordered. Members, I'd like to recognize some honored guests that we have here today. Our Arkansas state troopers, Corporal Trey Keller and Sergeant Austin Lay, both of Little Rock. Would you please welcome them here today? We'll recognize our doctor of the day and our nurses of the day. Dr. Tim Payton, family medical physician from Mountain Home, and our nurses, Leigh Fazio and Ebony Crutchfield. We thank them for their service. Representative Vaught, for what purpose?
Representative DeAnn Vaught Motion.
Speaker Brian Evans Madam Clerk, please read House Concurrent Resolution 1003.
Clerk House Concurrent Resolution 1003 providing that the House of Representatives in the Senate of the 95th General Assembly May recess on Thursday, January 16th, 2025, and reconvene on Tuesday, January 25th, 2025.
Speaker Brian Evans Representative Vaught, you're recognized to present House Concurrent Resolution 1003.
Representative DeAnn Vaught Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Arkansas Constitution, Article 5, Section 28, provides that neither the House or the General Assembly may adjourn for more than three consecutive days without the consent of the other House. So HCR 1003 provides the necessary consent so that we may each recess on Thursday, January 16th, 2025, and reconvene and resume our work on Tuesday, January 21st, 2025. And with that, I would appreciate a good vote.
Speaker Brian Evans Representative Vaught has presented the resolution. Does anyone wish to speak against the resolution? For the resolution? Representative Vaught is closed for the resolution. The question before the House is the passage of House Concurrent Resolution 1003. All in favor, say aye. Opposed nay. Ayes have it. Congratulations. The resolution is adopted. Members, at this time taking care of that business, we will go into recess until 10:30 for the joint meeting with Governor Sanders.
Speaker Brian Evans As authorized by House Concurrent Resolution 1001, the joint session of the Arkansas House and Senate is convened. At this time I'll take the roll call of the Senate by Ms. Ann Cornwell, Secretary of the Arkansas Senate. You are recognized.
Secretary of the Senate [Roll call]
Speaker Brian Evans House members, please indicate your presence by pushing your yellow present button. Prepare the machine, Madam Clerk. Has everyone made their presence known? Cast up the ballot, Madam Clerk. With 96 members present, the chair sees a quorum. I invite all members, guests, staff, press and visitors in the chamber floor and in the House galleries to stand as you're able and to be led in prayer by Pastor Chris Dixon, First Baptist Church, Bentonville, Arkansas. After the invocation, please remain standing for the presentation of the colors by the Arkansas State Police color guard and to be then to be led the Pledge of Allegiance by Representative Lane Jean. Pastor.
Pastor Chris Dixon [Prayer]
Speaker Brian Evans Thank you. You may be seated. At this time I recognize the Honorable John T Vines, Parliamentarian of the House, to announce the results of general election vote.
John T. Vines Thank you Mr. Speaker. Declaration of the results of the 2024 general election, beginning with the United States President: Donald J. Trump, Republican, 759,241 votes. Kamala D. Harris, Democrat, 396,905 votes. Robert F Kennedy Jr, Independent Party, 13,255 votes. Chase Oliver, Libertarian Party, 5,715 votes. Jill Stein, Green Party, 4,275 votes. Peter Sanskey, American Solidarity Party, 2,141 votes. Michael Wood, Progressive Party, 1,144 votes. United States Congress District 1: Congressman Rick Crawford, Republican, 194,711 votes. Rodney Govens, Democrat, 64,113 votes. Steve Parsons, Libertarian Party, 8,353 votes. United States Congress District 2: Congressmen French Hill, Republican, 180,509 votes. Marcus Jones, Democrat, 125,777 votes. United States Congress District 3: Congressman Steve Womack, Republican, 192,101 votes. Caitlin Draper, Democratic Party, 95,652 votes. Bobbie Wilson, Libertarian Party, 13,331 votes. United States Congress District 4: Congressman Bruce Westerman, Republican, 197,046 votes. Risie Howard, Democrat, 73,207 votes. State Treasurer: Secretary of State John Thurston, Republican, 755,156 votes. John Pagan, Democrat, 350,210 votes. Michael Peko, Libertarian Party, 49,847 votes. Issue Number 1, constitutional amendment to provide that lottery proceeds may be used to fund or provide scholarships and grants to American citizens enrolled in vocational technical schools and Technical Institutes: For, 1,029,102 votes; Against, 119,527 votes. Issue number 2, an amendment requiring local voter approval in a countywide special election for certain new casino licenses and repealing authority to issue a casino license in Pope County, Arkansas: For, 638,655 votes; Against, 505,772 votes. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Speaker Brian Evans Thank you, Mr. Parliamentarian. Members of the House and Senate, at this time, I'd like to recognize dignitaries that are with us here today, beginning with the Arkansas State Supreme Court and Constitutional officers that are here in attendance, as well as newest appointed ambassador to the country of Israel, the honorable Governor Mike Huckabee. Would you please welcome them to the House chamber? I recognize the president of the Senate, the Honorable Leslie Rutledge.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As the President of the Senate, it is my honor to announce the following named Senate committee appointed by Senate President Pro Tem Bart Hester to serve as the committee to notify Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders that the joint session is ready to receive her and to escort the governor to the speaker's rostrum, along with those committee members from the House, which will be named momentarily by the speaker. Senator John Payton, Senator Dan Sullivan and Senator Clarke Tucker.
Speaker Brian Evans Thank you, Madam President of the Senate. At this time I appoint the following House committee. Representative Howard Beaty, chair. Representative Carlton Wing. Representative Dwight Tosh. Representative Fred Allen. Representative Kendra Moore. Representative Les Warren. Representative Jon Eubanks. Representative Ken Ferguson. Representative Fran Cavenaugh. Representative Stephen Meeks. Representative Robin Lundstrum. Representative Lane Jean. Representative Matthew Shepherd. Representative Jeff Wardlaw. Please notify the governor that the joint session is convened and escort her to the House chamber.
Sgt. At Arms Mr. Speaker.
Speaker Brian Evans For what purpose, Mr. Sergeant at Arms?
Sgt. At Arms Admittance for the governor of the great state of Arkansas, the Honorable Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
Speaker Brian Evans Mr. Sergeant at Arms, please admit the Governor.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge Mr. Speaker, it is my honor as the President of the Senate to present to this body, my friend, the best governor in the United States of America, the Honorable Sarah Huckabee Sanders, governor of Arkansas.
[Address on separate page]
Speaker Brian Evans Thank you, Governor Sanders. Members, seeing no other business before this joint body, the House will now go into adjournment. The House will reconvene in ten minutes. The Senate will reconvene in 15 minutes. You are adjourned.
Speaker Brian Evans The House will come to order. Members, seeing no other business before the House other than announcements, I'd like to announce that this afternoon at 2:30 will be a meeting of House chairs and vice chairs of standing select and joint committees. You should have received an email. We will meet at 2:30 at the Association of Counties. Are there any further announcements? Representative Ray, for what purpose?
Representative David Ray Announcement.
Speaker Brian Evans You're recognized for an announcement.
Representative David Ray He tried to keep it a secret to all of us yesterday, but we had a birthday in the chamber and it was Representative Austin McCollum.
Speaker Brian Evans Representative Eubanks, for what purpose?
Representative Jon Eubanks Announcement.
Speaker Brian Evans You are recognized for an announcement.
Representative Jon Eubanks House Rules will meet tomorrow at noon in Big Mac B.
Speaker Brian Evans Any other announcements from committee chairs? Representative Holcomb, you're recognized.
Representative Mike Holcomb Announcement.
Speaker Brian Evans You're recognized.
Representative Mike Holcomb Would everyone look in their mailbox? ARDOT has put a flier in your mailbox. There will be a legislative orientation meeting tomorrow from 2:30 to 4:30 at the Arkansas Department of Transportation. Thank you.
Speaker Brian Evans Representative Bentley, for what purpose?
Representative Mary Bentley Announcement.
Speaker Brian Evans You are recognized for the announcement.
Representative Mary Bentley We're celebrating religious freedom today in the rotunda at noon. Would love for y'all to join us. We're doing a Bible marathon. So we'd love for you all to join us for 15 minutes if you can. Thanks.
Speaker Brian Evans Representative Gazaway, what purpose?
Representative Jimmy Gazaway Announcement.
Speaker Brian Evans Recognized for announcement.
Representative Jimmy Gazaway House State Agencies will meet tomorrow, 10 a.m., Room 151 for an organizational meeting.
Speaker Brian Evans Representative Vaught, for what purpose?
Representative DeAnn Vaught Announcement.
Speaker Brian Evans You are recognized.
Representative DeAnn Vaught Yesterday I made an announcement that House Management would meet today. We're not meeting today. We're meeting tomorrow, 15 minutes upon adjournment. Room 138.
Speaker Brian Evans Representative Maddox, for what purpose?
Representative John Maddox Announcement.
Speaker Brian Evans You're recognized for the announcement.
Representative John Maddox Insurance and Commerce will meet tomorrow at 10 a.m. for an organizational meeting.
Speaker Brian Evans Representative Meeks, what purpose? All right. Hold on. Hold that. Representative Gonzales, for what purpose?
Representative Justin Gonzales Announcement.
Speaker Brian Evans You are recognized.
Representative Justin Gonzales City, County, and Local Affairs will meet tomorrow 10 a.m. We will not be hearing the short term rental bill yet, so y'all don't get too excited.
Speaker Brian Evans Thank you, Chairman. Representative Meeks, you are recognized.
Representative Stephen Meeks Thank you, Mr. Speaker. After the announcements, reading of the bills, transferring the bills, placing the calendars on the desk, members amending their own bills with their own amendments, members withdrawing their own bills, finalizing resolutions, writing communications and any remaining committee reports, I move that we adjourn until 1:30 tomorrow afternoon.
Speaker Brian Evans Proper motion. Non debatable. All those in favor say aye. Opposed nay. Motion passes. Desk will remain open as needed for the reading of the bills, and upon completion of those items named in the Adjourn resolution, the House will be adjourned until 1:30 tomorrow. Representative Milligan.
Representative Jon Milligan Announcement.
Speaker Brian Evans You're recognized..
Representative Jon Milligan I want to remind everybody the Jonesboro Chamber will be at the Arkansas Systems Building tonight at 4:30-6:30.