January 15: House of Representatives transcript

House of Representative 

January 15, 2025


Representative Brian Evans I invite the members, staff, press and guests in the galleries to stand and to be led in prayer by Brother Richard Hamlin, senior pastor of Faith Baptist Church in Cabot, and to remain standing for the Pledge of Allegiance to be led by Representative Lane Jean.


Richard Hamlin Before we begin our prayer, I would like to let you all know that the speaker and I are not related. Okay. Many of you have suggested we were brothers, and that would mean you were thinking I was his much older brother, right, Mr. Speaker? Yes, much older. But we're not related. Also, I want you to know that I have received a copy of the list of all of you, your names, photographs, and I'll be praying for you by name every morning that you're in session. I will not always be here to pray at the podium, but I will pray for you every morning by name. If you have burdens you'd like to share with me, whether named or unnamed, you let me know and I'll hold them up before the Father, which is what we pray about now. [Prayer]


Representative Brian Evans Members, please indicate your presence by pushing your yellow present button. Prepare the machine, Madam Clerk. Has everyone indicated their presence? Cast up the ballot, madam clerk. With 99 members present, the chair sees a quorum. Are there any requests for leave? Representative Lundstrum, for what purpose?


Representative Robin Lundstrum Leave.


Representative Brian Evans I'll hear your leave.


Representative Robin Lundstrum Leave for Representative Ladyman.


Representative Brian Evans Is leave granted for Representative Ladyman? Representative Matthew Shepherd moves that we dispense with the reading of the previous day's journal. No objection, so moved. Other reports from select committees? Madam Clerk, please read the report.


Clerk Mr. Speaker, your committee on House Rules to whom was referred House Resolution 1001 beg leave to report that we have the same consideration here at the same recommendation that it do pass as amendment number one. Respectfully submitted, Jon Eubanks, Chair. Mr. Speaker, your committee on House Rules to whom was referred House Bill 1056 and House Bill 1080 beg leave to report we have under the same consideration and return the same recommendation that it do pass. Respectfully submitted, Jon Eubanks, Chair.


Representative Brian Evans Other reports from standing committees? Any unfinished business? Any executive reports? Seeing none, the morning hour has ended. Members, we will now go to the yellow budget calendar. Madam Clerk, please read House Bill 1002 .


Clerk  House Bill 1002.


Representative Brian Evans Representative Jean, You're recognized.


Representative Lane Jean Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Colleagues, this is the bill we passed out of Joint Budget yesterday. It's the general appropriation. This is in our Constitution. Before we do anything else, the general appropriation bill has to be passed. There is no change in it from last year. Used to be a big bill. Now it's a very little bill. Any questions? Your one vote will be for the bill and the emergency clause. Mr. Speaker, have the clerk read the bill for the third time.


Representative Brian Evans Clerk, read the bill for the third time.


Clerk House Bill 1002.


Representative Brian Evans Representative Jean has explained the bill. Would anyone like to speak against the bill? Would anyone like to speak for the bill? Representative Jean, are you closed for your bill? The question before the House is the passage of House Bill 1002. Prepare the machine, Madam Clerk. Has everyone voted? Has everyone voted? Would any members like to change their vote? Cast up the ballot, madam clerk. By a vote of 99 yeas, one not voting, you have passed the bill and the emergency clause. Members, I recognize Madam Clerk for another report from select committees.


Clerk Mr. Speaker, we your Committee on House Rules to whom was referred House Bill 1080 beg leave to report we had the same under consideration and hereby return the same recommendation that it do pass. Respectfully submitted, Shad Pearce, Vice Chair.


Representative Brian Evans Members, any announcements from committee chairs? Representative Shepherd, for what purpose?


Representative Matthew Shepherd Announcement.


Representative Brian Evans You are recognized for an announcement.


Representative Matthew Shepherd The Joint Energy Committee will meet tomorrow, 15 minutes upon adjournment of the House and Senate in room 171.


Representative Brian Evans Representative Underwood, for what purpose?


Representative Kendon Underwood Announcement.


Representative Brian Evans You are recognized for an announcement.


Representative Kendon Underwood House Judiciary Committee will meet tomorrow at 9:30 in room 149.


Representative Brian Evans Representative Holcomb, for what purpose?


Representative Mike Holcomb Announcement.


Representative Brian Evans You are recognized for an announcement.


Representative Mike Holcomb Public Transportation will meet tomorrow morning at 9:30 in Mac B for an organizational meeting.


Representative Brian Evans Representative Brooks, for what purpose?


Representative Keith Brooks Announcement.


Representative Brian Evans You are recognized for an announcement.


Representative Keith Brooks House education will meet tomorrow morning at 9:30 in room 138 for an organization meeting.


Representative Brian Evans Representative Vaught, for what purpose?


Representative DeAnn Vaught Announcement.


Representative Brian Evans You are recognized.


Representative DeAnn Vaught House management will meet 15 minutes upon adjournment.


Representative Brian Evans Representative Meeks, for what purpose?


Representative Stephen Meeks Motion, please.


Representative Brian Evans Ill hear your motion.


Representative Stephen Meeks After the announcements, reading of the bills, transferring the bills, placing the calendars on the desk, members amending their own bills with their own amendments, members withdrawing their own bills, finalizing resolutions, reading communications and any remaining committee reports, I move that we adjourn until 10:30 tomorrow morning.


Representative Brian Evans That's a proper motion. Non debatable. All those in favor say aye. Opposed nay. Motion carries. Members, the desk will remain open as needed for the reading of the bills and upon completion of those items named in the Adjourn resolution, the House will be adjourned until 9:30 tomorrow. 10:30. Members, if you could hold on just for a moment. Representative Rye, you're recognized for a point of personal privilege. Yes, sir. You can go to the well.


Representative Johnny Rye I want to thank each and every one of you guys that are here today that have called, asked me about my wife. You don't know how important thi s room is until you lose someone that's outside this room. Thank you all so very much. She knew each and every one of you by name. She loved every one of you. And thank you all so much for everything that you are and everything that you do.