On January 16, 2025, the Senate City, County & Local Affairs Committee convened with Senator Jim Petty serving as acting chair in Senator Stubblefield's absence. The meeting focused on introductions, procedural matters, and setting the framework for future sessions.
Key Takeaways:
Committee Member Introductions:
Adoption of Committee Rules:
Meeting Schedule:
Sponsor Notifications:
Agency and Association Introductions:
Senate City, County & Local Affairs Committee
January 16, 2025
Senator Jim Petty Senator Stubblefield is not feeling well today, so I am stepping into the chair role. But I'd like for us, for the sake of the public and maybe those that don't know, go around the table and introduce yourself and tell you what district you're from and kind of a little bit about yourself. So we'll start with ladies first.
Senator Breanne Davis My name is Breanne Davis. I live in Russellville. I represent Pope County, Conway County and the city of Dardanelle.
Senator Joshua Bryant Good morning. My name is Joshua Bryant. I live in Rogers, Arkansas, and represent the east part of Benton County and the northeast part of Washington County. Spent four years on the Quorum Court of Benton County, 2016 to 2020. So I've got a little experience in local government. And then elected to the House in 2020 for the 2021 session, where I was on the House City County Local, and then moved over to the Senate last session. I was on this committee as well. So I really enjoy the issues that affect our cities and counties and look forward to it.
Senator Terry Rice Good morning, Terry Rice. 16 years in the legislature. This is starting the 17th. I think I've over extended my stay, but if I live long enough up here four more years anyway. I came to City County when the Senate moved the gun bills over here and I will be over here if I'm breathing as long as the gun bills are over here. It's not that I'm not interested in cities and counties in City County Local but that's one thing I'm going to try to affect our state and our freedoms, and that includes the cities and counties.
And glad to listen to anything you have on any subject. It doesn't cost anything to listen. I may agree or not agree, but I always appreciate getting different perspectives because I learn something every day. And by the way, I'm from the east suburbs of Bates, Arkansas, a dried up coal mining town four miles from the Oklahoma border. And it's a pretty good place to live. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Senator Jim Petty And again, my name is Jim Petty and I will normally be in the vice chair role. But I am actually from Crawford County. I cover District 29, which is all of Crawford County and the southern and eastern portion of Washington County. And I too served. I served on the City council in Van Buren for about eight years. And I thought, this will be an area that I'll know that will allow me to have some subject matter knowledge. And then I get in here and find out it's all about drugs and alcohol and firearms. So, so much for that theory.
But anyway, I'd like to introduce the staff. Without the staff, I would certainly be floundering right now, starting with the sound system here. But Katie Hickman is the committee analyst. And I am so sorry I cannot-- Jacinia is also a committee assistant. And then Sidney Sims is our committee attorney. So we thank you ladies for all you do for us here.
We also have in the green packet our sitting committee rules. They are the same as last year. And I would entertain a motion to approve those. Motion by Senator Rice. Second by Senator Bryant. All those in favor, let it be known by aye. Any opposed. Motion passes. As we leave, the green folders will be here and prepared for us. If we could leave those in the room after each meeting. Let staff know if you need anything out of those.
Senate City County local plans to meet on Tuesdays at 10:00 and Thursdays at 9:00 in this room, 272. Sponsor notifications will be sent to members who have bills on the agenda two days before the committee meeting and sponsor notices are sent by email. I would also like to recognize and allow anybody representing various agencies or organizations or associations that will be before us, if you'd like to, to introduce yourselves and what you do. You're welcome to do that as well at this time.
[Audience introductions]
Senator Jim Petty Thank you. Anyone else? Okay. Is there any more business that needs to come before the committee? Seeing none, we are adjourned.