January 21: House of Representatives transcript

House of Representatives

January 21, 2025


Speaker Brian Evans [00:00:06] I invite the members, guests, staff, press in the galleries to stand and be led in prayer by House Chaplain Brother Richard Hamlin, senior pastor, Faith Baptist Church of Cabot, and to remain standing for the Pledge of Allegiance to be led by Representative Lane Jean. [Prayer and Pledge] Members, please indicate your presence by pushing your yellow present button. Prepare the machine, Madam Clerk. Has everyone made known their presence? Cast up the ballot, madam clerk. With 96 members present, the chair sees a quorum. Are there any requests for leave? Representative Lynch, for what purpose?


Representative Roger Lynch [00:02:48] Leave.


Speaker Brian Evans [00:02:49] I'll take your leave.


Representative Roger Lynch [00:02:50] Leave for Representative Nazarenko.


Speaker Brian Evans [00:02:53] Is leave granted for Representative Nazarenko? Representative Lundstrum, for what purpose?


Representative Robin Lundstrum [00:02:59] Leave for Representative Ladyman.


Speaker Brian Evans [00:03:01] Is leave granted for Representative Ladyman? So granted. Representative Steimel. He's here. He's here. Gazaway's here. Good.Representative Matthew Shepherd moves that we dispense with the reading of the previous day's journal. With no objection, so ordered. Are there any reports from select committees, madam Clerk.


Clerk [00:03:35] Mr. Speaker, we your Committee on Joint Budget to whom was referred House Bill 1102. House Bill 1108. House Bill 1109. House Bill 1110. House Bill 1111. House Bill 1113. beg leave to report that we had the same under consideration and herewith return the same with a recommendation that it do pass. Respectfully submitted, Lane Jean, Co-Chair.


Speaker Brian Evans [00:03:54] Madam Clerk, any reports from standing committees? You're recognized.


Clerk [00:03:59] Mr. Speaker, we your committee on Education to whom was referred House Bill 1133 beg leave to report we have had the same under consideration and herewith return the same with the recommendation that it do pass as amended Number 1. Respectfully submitted, Representative Keith Brooks, Chair. Mr. Speaker, we your committee on Judiciary Committee to whom was referred House Bill number 1006 beg leave to report that we have the same consideration herewith return the same recommendation that it do pass as amended number one. Respectfully submitted, Carol Dalby, Chair.


Speaker Brian Evans [00:04:26] Thank you, Madam Clerk. Is there any unfinished business? Are there any executive communications? Madam Clerk, you're recognized.


Clerk [00:04:37] To the Speaker of the House. Dear Mr. Speaker, this is to inform you that on January 16th, 2025, I reviewed and approved the following measures from the regular session of the 95th General Assembly: House Bill 1002, Act 1. House Concurrent Resolution 1001, House Concurrent Resolution 1003. Sincerely, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Governor of Arkansas.


Speaker Brian Evans [00:04:56] Thank you, Madam Clerk. Members, with us in the East Gallery today we have the University of Arkansas Associated Student Government Razorback Action Group. They are here today as guests of Representative Clowney, Representative Garner and Representative Whitaker. Would you please make them welcome as they stand? Members, with us in the chamber today, Arkansas State Troopers Sergeant Chuck Lewis, administrative Services of Little Rock, Sergeant Austin Hay from the Regulatory Services Division of Little Rock. Thank you, gentlemen, for your service. Would you please make them welcome? Members, our doctor of the day is Dr. Lauren Gibson Oliver. She is family medicine from Little Rock in Representative Ashley Hudson's district. And our nurse of the day is Leigh Fazio. Would you please make them welcome? Madam Clerk, please read House Resolution 1001.


Clerk [00:06:33] House Resolution 1001 by Speaker Evans to adopt the rules of the House of the Representatives of the 95th General Assembly.


Speaker Brian Evans [00:06:42] Representative Eubanks, You're recognized.


Representative Jon Eubanks [00:06:51] Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Members, if you remember, last week, ran a bill where we repealed the requirement for fiscal impact for the health care plans because it encompassed a larger group than what we intended. And the changes to the rules for this General Assembly reflects that. It just requires and changes the dates, or sets the dates for the fiscal requirement for the plans that affect EBD. Appreciate a good vote.


Speaker Brian Evans [00:07:33] Representative Eubanks has explained the resolution. Would anyone like to speak against the resolution? For the resolution? Representative Eubanks is closed for the resolution. The question before the House is the passage of House Resolution 1001. Prepare the machine, Madam Clerk. Has everyone voted? Has everyone voted? Would any member like to change their vote? Cast up the ballot, madam clerk. With a vote of 95 yeas, one nay, one present, the resolution has passed. Representative Beaty, you're recognized.


Representative Howard Beaty [00:08:21] Point of personal privilege.


Speaker Brian Evans [00:08:24] You're welcome to come to the well and present your point.


Representative Howard Beaty [00:08:34] Mr. Speaker, I ask that Representative Wardlaw join me in the well.


Speaker Brian Evans [00:08:38] Representative Wardlaw.


Representative Howard Beaty [00:08:49] They're whistling at you. I do believe that. Members, my point of personal privilege today is to recognize the Arkansas Forestry Day at the State Capitol January 21st of 2025. And to recognize and celebrate Arkansas Forestry Day, we're joined in the chamber today by representatives of the forestry industry. If you're representing a forest entity, please stand. Well, they told me they were in the west and the east gallery. But we do have folks here. They were in the rotunda today. 

Just to share a few points about forestry and the forestry industry in the state, private landowners in Arkansas own about 15,300,000 acres of state forest and about 3.6 million are publicly owned by federal, state and other entities. They provide for more than 5,000 products that we have in our everyday use here in the state. Forestry industry contributes a value added contribution to our economy of approximately $7 billion. The forest products industry supports 26,980 direct jobs in the state and 54,759 total jobs. 

1 in 14 Arkansans owns forestland in this state. Arkansas families depend on the $1.85 billion in direct wages that are provided by the forest products industry in the state. In this industry, one direct job equates to 2.4 indirect jobs. Since 1947, the Arkansas Forestry Association has served as the voice of forestry for the state's entire forestry community. So with that, I just wanted to recognize and honor the Forestry Association. They're not here, but they can hear the remarks and we'll get a resolution out to them tomorrow. Thank you.


Speaker Brian Evans [00:10:46] Representative Wardlaw, You're recognized.


Representative Jeff Wardlaw [00:10:47] Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I just want to make it very clear to you guys, remember those stats as we go throughout this session. You'll see the investments that are going to happen going forward from the forestry industry. And we have new and better sawmills coming to Arkansas with initiative products. And we're going to come to you with legislation that's going to do nothing but help that industry grow. So it's going to be very important that you understand how big that industry is and what it means to this state of Arkansas. So thank you, guys.


Speaker Brian Evans [00:11:15] Thank you, gentlemen, for this point of personal privilege and recognizing this industry that is so vital to our state. Morning hour has ended. Members, just encourage you, really start paying close attention to your email as committees are starting to meet on a full schedule now. Your committee chairs will be sending out information regarding bills that's going to be heard in committee. It's going to be very important for you to be in attendance for those meetings. You'll also be seeing a lot of emails that will be coming out of the speaker's office just with information, announcements and so forth. So please start paying attention. Those email boxes are going to start filling up. Representative Meeks, you're recognized.


Representative Stephen Meeks [00:12:05] Mr. Speaker, after the announcements, reading of the bills, transferring the bills, placing the calendars on the desk, members amending their own bills with their own amendments, members withdrawing their own bills, finalizing resolutions, reading communications, and any remaining committee reports, I move that we adjourn until 1:30 tomorrow afternoon.


Speaker Brian Evans [00:12:19] That's a proper motion. Non debatable. All those in favor say aye. Opposed nay. The ayes have it. Do I have any announcements from committee chairs? Any committee announcements? Representative Eubanks, You're recognized.


Representative Jon Eubanks [00:12:35] Rules will not meet tomorrow.


Speaker Brian Evans [00:12:38] Representative Barker, for what purpose? You're recognized for the announcement.


Representative Sonia Eubanks Barker [00:12:48] Aging, Children and Youth will meet in the morning at 10 a.m. in room 131 for an organizational meeting.


Speaker Brian Evans [00:12:53] Representative Lynch, for what purpose? You're recognized.


Representative Roger Lynch [00:12:58] Ag will meet tomorrow morning at 10 a.m., Room 131.


Speaker Brian Evans [00:13:03] Representative Wooldridge, for what purpose? You're recognized for an announcement.


Representative Jeremy Wooldridge [00:13:07] Public Health will meet 15 minutes upon adjournment, room 130 for an organizational meeting. Thank you, sir.


Speaker Brian Evans [00:13:13] Representative Warren, for what purpose?


Representative Les Warren [00:13:16] Announcement.


Speaker Brian Evans [00:13:17] You're recognized For an announcement.


Representative Les Warren [00:13:18] Joint Retirement will meet 15 minutes upon adjournment and in Mac A.


Speaker Brian Evans [00:13:25] Representative Wing, for what purpose?


Representative Carlton Wing [00:13:25] Announcement.


Speaker Brian Evans [00:13:26] You're recognized.


Representative Carlton Wing [00:13:27] Prayer caucus will meet tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. in the old Supreme Court room for much more than just an organizational meeting. Look forward to seeing you there.


Speaker Brian Evans [00:13:36] Representative Gazaway, for what purpose?


Representative Jimmy Gazaway [00:13:38] Announcement.


Speaker Brian Evans [00:13:39] You're recognized.


Representative Jimmy Gazaway [00:13:40] State Agencies will meet tomorrow 10 a.m. Room 151.


Speaker Brian Evans [00:13:47] Seeing no other announcements, the desk will remain open as needed for the reading of the bills, and upon completion of the items named in the Adjourn resolution, the House will be adjourned until 1:30 tomorrow. Representative Eubanks, for what purpose?


Representative Jon Eubanks [00:14:07] Announcement.


Speaker Brian Evans [00:14:07] You're recognized for an announcement.


Representative Jon Eubanks [00:14:09] State Chamber is having their reception tomorrow evening in the big tent. And it will be heated and there will be extra shrimp. That's today. I'm sorry. Yesterday was a holiday. I thought today was Monday. Today at 4:30 in the big tent in the parking lot. And it will be heated.


Speaker Brian Evans [00:14:32] Thank you. Any other non committee announcements? Seeing none, thank you.