January 21: Senate transcript


January 21, 2025


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:00:11] Okay, members, if you would, just please take your seat. We're going to bring this meeting to order. Okay. Are there any requests for leave at this time? Senator Hester.


Senator Bart Hester [00:00:33] Senator Hammer and Senator Gilmore.


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:00:37] Senator Hammer and Senator Gilmore for leave. Anybody else? Okay. Madam Secretary, would you please call the roll? [Roll call] Thank you. Senator Stone, would you lead us in prayer? Everybody in the room, including the galleries, if you don't mind, please stand. Senator Stone, you're recognized. [Prayer and Pledge]


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:02:17]  Okay, ladies and gentlemen in the gallery, we greatly appreciate you being in the Arkansas Arkansas Senate today. It is our expectation that each of you will exercise proper decorum and govern yourselves accordingly during today's proceedings. Without objection, the rules will be suspended and the Senate will dispense with the reading of the Journal. Are there any announcements that need to be made? Senator Caldwell, you're recognized, sir.


Senator Ronald Caldwell [00:02:59] I don't know if they came in another place or not. I have guests here today I wanted to recognize. And they were supposed to be in the East Gallery and I can't see in the West, but I have members of the Wynne High School Marine Corps Junior ROTC in the building today. And they may be late getting here. So they're over here. Okay. There they're not in the gallery yet. But if you see them come through, welcome them. But they do an excellent job. To be honest with you, on the ROTC program, you have to have 10% of your school population to participate. And we have 98 members of our school body that participates in the junior ROTC. Thank you.


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:03:48] Thank you, Senator Caldwell. Any other members have any other announcements? Okay. Madam Secretary, are there items at the desk to be read?


Secretary [00:04:26] [Engrossed Bills, SB 3]


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:04:28] State Agencies.


Secretary [00:04:29] [Engrossed Bills, SB 63]


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:04:47] State Agencies.


Secretary [00:04:47] [Agriculture Committee, SB 15, Recommend do pass]


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:04:56] Calendar.


Secretary [00:04:57] [Agriculture Committee, SB 61, Recommend do pass]


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:05:02] Calendar.


Secretary [00:05:03] [Agriculture Committee, SB 68, Recommend do pass]


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:05:07] Calendar.


Secretary [00:05:09] [Budget, SB 53, Recommend do pass]


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:05:13] Calendar.


Secretary [00:05:15] [State Agencies, SB 18, Recommend do pass]


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:05:20] Calendar.


Secretary [00:05:21] [State Agencies, SB 56, Recommend do pass]


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:05:26] Calendar.


Secretary [00:05:27] [State Agencies, HB 1080, Recommend do pass]


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:05:33] Calendar.


Secretary [00:05:37] Senate Resolution 3 by Senator Stone and Gilmore to recognize and celebrate Arkansas Forestry Day at the State Capitol on January 21st, 2025. Senate Resolution 3.


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:05:48] Calendar.


Secretary [00:05:49] Senate Joint Resolution 3 by Senator King, a Constitutional amendment concerning the Membership of the State Highway Commission. Senate Joint Resolution 3.


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:05:59] State Agencies.


Secretary [00:06:00] Senate Joint Resolution 4 by Senator Boyd, an amendment to the Arkansas Constitution to provide that the annual school election shall not be held if a proposed rate of the tax levied is the same as the last approved and no other matters are to be decided. Senate Joint Resolution 4.


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:06:17] State Agencies.


Secretary [00:06:19] Senate Bill 79 by Senator Crowell to amend the law concerning the Arkansas Public Employees Retirement System and the State Police Retirement system. Senate Bill 79.


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:06:31] Joint Retirement.


Secretary [00:06:33] Senate Bill 80 by Joint Budget an Act for the Office of the Governor Legislative Liaisons Appropriation for the 2024 2025 Fiscal Year. Senate Bill 80.


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:06:43] Joint Budget.


Secretary [00:06:44] Senate Bill 81 by Joint Budget an act for the Department of Parks, Heritage and Tourism, State Parks and Tourism Divisions appropriation for the 2025 2026 Fiscal Year. Senate Bill 81.


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:06:56] Joint Budget.


Secretary [00:06:57] Senate Bill 82 by Senator Payton to increase the sales and use tax exemption for used motor vehicles and to amend the reduced sales and use tax rate applicable to purchases of used motor vehicles. Senate Bill 82.


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:07:13] Revenue and tax.


Secretary [00:07:14] Senate Bill 83 by Senator Bryant to mandate coverage for breast reconstruction surgeries, to require prior authorization for breast reconstruction surgeries and to establish a minimum reimbursement rate for breast reconstructive surgery. Senate Bill 83.


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:07:33] Insurance and Commerce. Senator Stone, do you want to be recognized, sir? Okay, if everyone would listen. Senator Stone, you're recognized, Senator Stone.


Senator Matt Stone [00:07:51] Thank you, Mr. President. Colleagues, I would ask that we would suspend the rules for the purpose of presenting a forestry resolution today and add to the calendar.


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:08:01] Okay, Members, you heard the motion to suspend. All in favor say aye. Any opposed? Hearing none, you're recognized to present. Might as well just wait. We'll do it at the end. Okay. We're going to move to the Business Agenda. Senator Hester, you want to present SCR 1?


Secretary [00:08:35] Senate Concurrent Resolution 1 by Senator Hester and Representative Evans to adopt the draft rules of the House of Representatives and the Senate for the 95th General Assembly.


Senator Bart Hester [00:08:45] Thank you. Members, these are just the joint rules on the procedures that we're going to do that we follow with filing bills, bill filing deadlines, our typical procedures, our understanding with the House. Happy to answer any questions.


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:08:58] Any of the members have any questions in regards to this? Any questions? Okay. All in favor, say aye. Any opposed? Okay. That motion will pass. Transmit to the House. Next one is going to be SB 1. I believe that was Senator Hammer. But Senator Tucker, you're going to be presenting that, correct? Okay. Senator Tucker, You're recognized.


Secretary [00:09:22] Senate Bill 1 by Senate Efficiency, an act for the expenses of the Arkansas Senate of the 95th General Assembly appropriation for the 2025 fiscal year.


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:09:32] Senator Tucker, you're recognized.


Senator Clarke Tucker [00:09:34] Thank you, Mr. President. This is just to approve the Senate expenses for this session. So appreciate a good vote.


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:09:42] Any members have anyquestions in regards to this? Seeing none, and this one has an emergency clause, so we'll have a roll call. So, Madam Secretary, if you would. Is there any objection to rolling the vote? Madam Secretary, if you would. [Roll call] Does anyone else want to vote or change their vote? Okay. If you would, please cast up the ballot Okay. By a vote of 33 yeas, 0 nays, SB 1 is passed and the emergency clause was adopted. Transmit to the House. Okay. The next we're going to have is HCR 1002. Senator Dotson.


Secretary [00:11:08] House Concurrent Resolution 1002 by Representative Ray and Senator Dotson, to urge the United States Congress to permanently extend the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:11:20] Senator Dotson, you're recognized, sir.


Senator Jim Dotson [00:11:22] Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Members, House Concurrent Resolution 1002 is just like the title says. We're urging Congress to extend the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that is set to expire at the end of 2025. And so if they do not take action by the end of this year, it'll effectively increase taxes on all of our constituents all across the entire state. So this resolution simply urges them to get to work in D.C. We're happy to answer any questions. Appreciate a good vote.


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:11:56] Okay. Do any members have any questions for Senator Dotson? Did anyone want to speak for or against the bill or the resolution? We'll have a voice vote. All in favor say aye. Any opposed? I will consider that passed. We would return it to the House. Senator Stone, are you ready? Okay. You're recognized to present your resolution.


Senator Matt Stone [00:12:40] That is correct. Thank you, Mr. President.


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:12:42] Thank you. Just hold on just a second. She's going to read it.


Secretary [00:12:47] Senate Resolution 3 by Senator Stone and Gilmore, to recognize and celebrate Arkansas Forestry Day at the State Capitol on January 21st, 2025.


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:12:57] Senator Stone.


Senator Matt Stone [00:12:58] Colleagues, I have a Senate resolution to present on behalf of the forest industry. And if you'll allow me just about one moment before I read the resolution, I just want to say that I've made a living in the forest industry the last 45 years. But even being in there that long, there's a lot of men and women that have came before me to pave the way for me to be able to even stand here today. I know that Senator Jim Scott was the first forester to serve in our legislature. I know Congressman Bruce Westerman was a forester that served and also Representative Ken Bragg was a forester to serve. 

And I stand here as a forester today to speak on behalf of the forest industry and what it means to our state. Our Senate resolution is to recognize, to celebrate the forestry day at the state Capitol on January 21st, 2025. Whereas Forestry provides more than 5,000 products we depend on every day. And whereas  the state's abundant forest resources have provided important economic environmental benefits to the state and the nation since the 1880s. And whereas, the forest value added contribution to the state's economy is $7 billion. 

And whereas, the forest products industry supports 26,980 direct jobs and 54,759 total jobs. And whereas, timber harvesters and forest land owners follow voluntary best management practices to protect our water quality. And whereas, the state's forests provide unparalleled scenic beauty. And whereas, the forest in Arkansas supports habitat for more than 600 species of fish and wildlife. And whereas, the state's forest land owners manage their land to protect and enhance habitat for threatened and endangered species. And whereas, since 1947, the Arkansas Forestry Association has served as the voice of forestry for the state's entire forest community. 

Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Senate of the 94th General Assembly that the Senate recognize and celebrate Arkansas Forestry Day at the State Capitol Building on January 21st, 2025. Be it further resolved that upon its adoption, a copy of this resolution shall be transmitted to the President of Arkansas fForestry Association by the Secretary of the Senate. Mr. President, that concludes the reading of the resolution. And I also want to recognize the abundance of foresters and forest related industries who sit in both galleries today. So with that being said, I would appreciate a good vote on the resolution. Thank you.


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:15:42] Okay. You heard Senator Stone. Anybody have any questions of Senator Stone? Anyone want to speak for or against this resolution? Okay. All in favor of the Senate resolution, please say aye. Any opposed? We'll consider that that's passed. Thank you. Okay. All right. Do any other senators have any other announcements at this time? Senator Tucker.


Senator Clarke Tucker [00:16:24] Thank you, Mr. President. Colleagues, please join me in welcoming our doctor of the day today, Doctor Lauren Gibson Oliver, who's a family medicine practitioner here in Little Rock. And then Leigh Fazio, our nurse of the day as well. Welcome. Thank you all very much for being here.


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:16:51] Senator English.


Senator Jane English [00:16:51] Just a reminder of the State Chamber of Commerce legislative reception, warm tent and lots of shrimp.


Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:17:00] She can guarantee that warm tent. Any other announcements? Anybody else? Okay, then the Senate will stand adjourned subject to clearing the desk until 1:30 January 22nd, 2025.