January 27, 2025
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:00:13] The Senate will be called to order. Are there any requests for leave at this time? Madam Secretary, please call the roll. Thank you, Madam Secretary. For everyone in the chamber and in the galleries would you please rise for a prayer led by Senator Wallace, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Senator Wallace, you're recognized. Let me thank you, Senator Wallace, for those words.
Ladies and gentlemen in the galleries, welcome to your Arkansas State Senate. It is our expectation that each of you will exercise proper decorum and govern yourselves accordingly during today's proceedings. Without objection, the rules will be suspended and the Senate will dispense with the reading of the Journal. The morning hour has now begun. I would first like to recognize Senator Flowers to introduce our Senate pages for the day.Senator Flowers, you're recognized.
Senator Stephanie Flowers [00:02:30] Thank you. Thank you, Madam President. Members, I would like to recognize our Senate pages joining us today. When I call your name, please come to the front to be recognized. Cassidy Thomas. Cassidy is a student, a freshman student at Lyon College. She is the page of Senator Crowell. Let's welcome Cassidy Thomas. Next, we have Ainsley Readerer. Ainsley, please come forward. Ainsley is in the eighth grade. She is homeschooled and she is the page of Senator Gilmore. We'd like to take your picture. Let's welcome Ainsley.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:03:35] Thank you. Thank you, Senator Flowers, and welcome to our pages today. Any other announcements or introductions at this time? Madam Secretary, are there items at the desk?
Secretary [00:03:55] Yes. Dear Mr. President, Pro tem, this is to inform you that on January 27th, 2025, I reviewed and approved the following measures for the fiscal session of the 95th General Assembly. Senate Bill 1 is now Act 9. Sincerely, Sarah Sanders, Governor of Arkansas.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:04:13] File it.
Secretary [00:04:22] [Engrossed Bills, SB 47]
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:04:31] Insurance and commerce.
Secretary [00:04:32] [Engrossed Bills, SB 89]
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:04:39] Education.
Secretary [00:04:41] [Engrossed Bills, SB 90]
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:04:48] Education.
Secretary [00:04:49] [Engrossed Bills, SB 94]
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:04:57] Insurance and commerce.
Secretary [00:05:01] [Education, SB 46, Do pass]
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:05:07] Calendar.
Secretary [00:05:09] [Education, HB 1133, Do pass]
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:05:16] Calendar.
Secretary [00:05:21] Senate Bill 103 by Senator Penzo to create the Pharmacy Nonprescription Act to require pharmacy benefit managers to accept any pharmacy or pharmacists willing to accept relevant and reasonable terms of participation and declare an emergency. Senate bill 103.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:05:40] Insurance and Commerce.
Secretary [00:05:41] Senate Bill 104 by Senator Penzo to amend the Arkansas Pharmacy Benefits Manager Licensure Act to protect patients rights and access to medications and declare an emergency. Senate bill 104.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:05:53] Insurance and Commerce.
Secretary [00:05:54] Senate Bill 105 by Joint Budget an Act for the University of Arkansas Community College Batesville Appropriation for 2025 2026 Fiscal Year. Senate Bill 105.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:06:05] Joint Budget.
Secretary [00:06:06] Senate Bill 126 by Joint Budget an act for the Department of Agriculture Appropriation for the 2025 2026 Fiscal year. Senate Bill 126.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:06:14] Joint Budget.
Secretary [00:06:16] Senate Bill 127 by Joint Budget an Act for the Southeast Arkansas College Appropriation for the 2025 2026 fiscal Year. Senate Bill 127.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:06:25] Joint Budget.
Secretary [00:06:26] Senate Bill 108 by Joint Budget an act for the SAU Tech appropriation for the 2025 2026 fiscal year. Senate Bill 108.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:06:39] Joint Budget.
Secretary [00:06:41] Senate Bill 109 by Joint Budget an act for the Arkansas South Arkansas College appropriation for the 2025 2026 fiscal year. Senate Bill 109.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:06:50] Joint Budget.
Secretary [00:06:51] Senate Bill 110 by Senator Penzo to authorize certified nurse aides or certified nursing assistants who provide in-home services to beneficiaries in the Arkansas Medicaid program to perform additional care and duties. Senate Bill 110.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:07:09] Public Health. Any further business to come before the body in the morning hour. If not, the morning hour has expired. We will now begin the business agenda. I will begin with Senate Resolution 4.
Secretary [00:07:41] Senate Resolution 4 by Senator Tucker to welcome Lieutenant General retired Jay Silveria as president of the University of Arkansas system.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:07:53] Senator Tucker, you're recognized.
Senator Clarke Tucker [00:07:56] Thank you, Madam President. I'd like to start by asking for leave for some guests to join us on the floor. Thank you for that enthusiasm. Come on up. Come over here. So it's an exciting day today. We're here to welcome the new head of the U of A system. So it's been more than 13 years since UA system has had a change in leadership. Dr. Bobbitt did an excellent job during his tenure, and we are thrilled that the Board of Trustees has hit it out of the park to welcome Lieutenant General Jay Silveria and his wife, Virginia, to Arkansas.
President Silveria comes to us after a very distinguished career in the U.S. Air Force, including serving as the equivalent of the president of the Air Force Academy before retiring to lead the Washington, DC, campus of Texas A&M University and the Bush School of Government and Public Service. We're joined today by several members of the UA board of trustees, including Chair Kelly Eichler and also Kevin Krauss, who are a friend to many in here. And we're so glad you all are here with us today.
The UA system, administration and the president's home are not only in my district, but they're neighbors of mine. So I'm particularly excited to welcome General Silveria and Virginia to the neighborhood. As you can tell from the resolution before you today, Lieutenant General Silveria is no stranger to leading complex organizations and executing important missions.
It's safe to say that with his nearly 4,000 hours as an Air Force command pilot of F-15 and F-35 jets and his command of major operations overseas, including supervision of a 20 country region, countries that included Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, that he brings a steady temperament and resolve to the management of 20 campuses, divisions and units of the UA system. President Silveria, I know I speak for everyone in this room in thanking you for your service to our nation and welcoming both you and Virginia to Arkansas.
Congratulations on your appointment. I know you're excited to get out across the state to visit your campuses and the many students, faculty and staff that the system serves. Everyone in here, I can speak for them, and to say we all look forward to working with you and to supporting the important work of the UA system under your leadership. Thank you. Madam President, I would appreciate a good vote on Senate Resolution 4.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:10:28] Thank you, Senator Tucker. All those in favor of Senate Resolution 4 to welcome Lieutenant General retired Jay Silveria as president of the University of Arkansas system, please signify by saying aye. Any opposed. Ayes have it. Senate resolution 4 passes. The Senate will come back to order. We will now take up Senate Bill 74. Senator Hickey.
Secretary [00:14:05] Senate Bill 70 by Senator Hickey to amend the law concerning standards for insurance policies and revise the notice requirements of an insurer for premium increase.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:14:17] Senator Hickey, you're recognized.
Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:14:19] Thank you, Madam President. Members, this is pretty self-explanatory. We currently have that the insurer must notify the agent and the insured if a premium increase is going to be more than 25%. So what we're doing, we're actually making that time a little bit longer.
So currently it's at 30 days the insurer has to notify the insurance agent. We're going to take that up to 60 days and we're going to take the constituent where they are ten days, where that has to be 30 days. Again, I think everybody understands with the increased cost of what insurance policies are now, this just gives it a little bit longer. So hopefully they can be placed without their insurance canceling.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:15:07] Any questions? Seeing no questions, anyone wish to speak against or for? Senator has closed. Any objection to rolling the vote? Madam Secretary, please roll the vote. Any senator wish to change his or her vote? Seeing no one, please cast up the ballot. By a vote of 35 yeas, 0 nays, Senate Bill 70 passes. Please transmit to the House. Senate Bill 76.
Secretary [00:16:19] Senate bill 76 by Blake Johnson to amend the law concerning miscellaneous prohibited practices under the Arkansas Insurance Code and clarify fees collected by certain brokers.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:16:32] Senator Blake Johnson, you're recognized.
Senator Blake Johnson [00:16:35] Thank you, Madam President. This bill does not change the Arkansas public policy. Since 2015, Arkansas Insurance Department has interpreted state law to exempt surplus line brokers from the 20% cap. The fee cap recognizes that the exemption is critical to provide insurance availability to Arkansas residents. So these supplemental lane policies are for folks who can't get insurance through the standard lines. And this has been, in 2015, it was published in the Bulletin and interpreted by the Insurance commission. And this has been the practice, but it's just been in the bulletin. So this should be in the statute. So to hopefully expand the supplemental lines in the state of Arkansas, they would feel comfortable coming to the state with it being in law rather than just in a bulletin or rule.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:17:41] Any questions for Senator Blake Johnson? Senator Hill, you're recognized for a question.
Senator Blake Johnson [00:17:51] Those are just like a policy. If you can't get a roof insured by the standard lines, it would be a supplemental insurance policy for your roof that you can't insure through the standard lines.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:18:08] Any other questions for Senator Johnson? Seeing no one, anyone wish to speak against or for? Senator, you are free to close.
Senator Blake Johnson [00:18:20] Thank you, madam. Appreciate a good vote.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:18:23] Senator has closed. Any objection to rolling the vote? Madam Secretary, please roll the vote. Any senator wish to change his or her vote? Seeing no one, please cast up the ballot. By a vote of 35 yeas, 0 nay, Senate Bill 76 passes. Please transmit to the House. Senator Dismang, you're recognized.
Senator Jonathan Dismang [00:19:25] Like to make a motion to recall House Bill 1102. That's an appropriation bill. Dealt with City and County turn back. There was some special language that was added during the fiscal session that related to deputy prosecutors. The agreement, when the sponsor drafted that piece of special language is that it would kind of take us back to the 1999 percentages. In fact, the way it's written, it will phase out the counties' responsibilities altogether and put that on the backs of the state. That was not kind of the agreement that was made. And so I'd like to recall that so we can work through maybe a better fix in regard to special language.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:20:08] Motion to recall House Bill 1102. All those in favor signify by saying aye. Any opposed. Ayes have it. Motion carries. Senator Sullivan, you're recognized to introduce the doctor of the day.
Senator Dan Sullivan [00:20:26] Thank you, Governor. I'd like to introduce Dr. Lisa Spence back in the back, our doctor of the day. I was fortunate enough to get to meet with her for about ten minutes outside. We share some goals, really important for our state and the health of our children and adults and look forward to her working and me working with her in our state to improve our health. Dr. Lisa Spence.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:20:59] Percent. Thank you, Senator Sullivan. Any other any announcements at this time? Senator Irvin, you're recognized.
Senator Missy Irvin [00:21:09] Transportation is meeting 15 minutes upon adjournment in the old Supreme Court room. Also, Senate Ethics Committee is meeting at 2:30 today in room 309. If you're on the Ethics Committee, room 309. Also just there's a reception tonight with AFNC. You've got one of these on your desk, from 5 to 7. It's held down West third Street. That's very close to the Capitol at a little event center that's near their building. So hope to see you there. And there's a bill filing deadline today for scope of practice bills. So that should be when the desk closes today. Holler if you have any questions. Ethics at 230, Transportation 15 minutes upon adjournment. Thank you.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:21:57] Thank you, Senator Irvin. Senator Caldwell, you're recognized.
Senator Ronald Caldwell [00:22:05] Thank you, Madam President. Senate Agri will not meet tomorrow.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:22:11] Thanks Senator. Senator Davis.
Senator Breanne Davis [00:22:27] Thank you, Madam Chair. The Rules Committee will meet upon adjournment in room 309. And at this time, I also have a motion to re refer Senate Bill 102 from State Agencies to City, County, Local.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:22:41] There is a motion on the floor. Senators, there is a motion on the floor by Senator Davis to re refer Senate Bill 102 back to State Agencies. Is that correct?
Senator Breanne Davis [00:22:54] From State Agencies to City, County, Local.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:22:57] Withdraw from State Agencies and put in City, County, Local. All those in favor of Senator Davis's motion-- oh, questions. Senator Hickey, you're recognized. Senators.
Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:23:09] Just, why?
Senator Breanne Davis [00:23:10] So the entire bill amends Title 3, which deals with local elections and alcohol specifically. It does not amend Title 7, which is statewide elections. That's why.
Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:23:21] So the code that it affects is actually in City, County, Local.
Senator Breanne Davis [00:23:24] That's correct.
Senator Jimmy Hickey [00:23:25] Okay. Thank you.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:23:26] Any other questions on the motion? If no other questions on the motion, anyone to speak against or for? All those in favor of Senator Davis's motion, please signify by saying aye. Any opposed. Ayes have it. Motion carries. Senator Clark, you're recognized.
Senator Alan Clark [00:23:46] In case you didn't see the calendar, Senate Judiciary is not meeting today. There were no bills ready to run.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:23:52] Thank you, Senator Clark. Senator Stubblefield, you're recognized.
Senator Gary Stubblefield [00:23:57] Thank you, Madam Governor. City, County, Local will be meeting in the morning at 10:00. We have about ten bills.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:24:05] Thank you, Senator Stubblefield. Madam Secretary, are there items at the desk?
Secretary [00:24:10] Yes. Senate Bill 111 by Senator Hammer to establish the dentist and dental hygienist contacts. Senate Bill 111.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:24:19] Public Health.
Secretary [00:24:21] Senate Resolution 5 by Senator Dotson to commemorate and recognize National School Choice Week during the week of January 26th through February 1st. Senate Resolution 5.
Lt. Gov. Leslie Rutledge [00:24:32] Calendar. If there are no further announcements, the Senate will stand in adjournment until tomorrow, January 28th, 2025, at 1:30 p.m., subject to the clearing of the desk.