House of Representatives
January 27, 2025
Speaker Brian Evans [00:00:07] I invite the members, staff, press and guests in the galleries to stand and be led in prayer by House Chaplain Brother Richard Hamlin, senior pastor, Faith Baptist Church of Cabot and to remain standing for the Pledge of Allegiance to be led by Representative Lane Jean. Members, please indicate your presence by pushing your yellow present button. Prepare the machine, madam Clerk. Has everyone recorded their presence? Cast up the ballot, madam clerk. With 97 members present, chair sees a quorum. Are there any requests for leave? Representative Richardson, for what purpose?
Representative Scott Richardson [00:03:06] Leave for Representative Mark Perry, please.
Speaker Brian Evans [00:03:10] Is leave granted for Representative Mark Perry? So granted. Representative Long, for what purpose?
Representative Wayne Long [00:03:20] Leave
Speaker Brian Evans [00:03:21] You're recognized.
Representative Wayne Long [00:03:23] Requesting leave for Representative Cameron Cooper.
Speaker Brian Evans [00:03:26] Is leave granted for Representative Cooper? So granted. Representative Matthew Shepherd moves that we dispense of the reading of the previous day's journal. With no objection, so ordered. Are there reports from select committees? Madam Clerk, are there any reports from standing committees? Any unfinished business? Are there executive communications? Madam Clerk, you're recognized.
Clerk [00:03:57] To the Speaker of the House. Dear Mr. Speaker, this is to inform you that on January 27th, 2025, I reviewed and approved the following measures from the fiscal session of the 95th General Assembly: House Bill 1080, Act 2. House Bill 1001, Act 3. House Bill 1108, Act 4. House Bill 1109, Act 5.House Bill 1110, Act 6. House Bill 1111, Act 7. House Bill 1113, Act 8. House Concurrent Resolution 1002. Sincerely, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Governor of Arkansas.
Speaker Brian Evans [00:04:22] Thank you, Madam Clerk. Members, at this time, I'd like to recognize in the back of the House chamber, Sergeant Austin Lay from the Regulatory Services Division and Corporal Trey Keller from the Highway Patrol Administration Division, both of Little Rock. Gentlemen, thank you for your service. Would you please make them welcome?
Members, also with us today, our doctor of the day is Dr. Lisa Spence, doctor of family medicine, a guest of Representative Jon Milligan from Jonesboro. Please make her welcome. Members, in the East Gallery, we have a group here today, a special group of students from Access Arkansas. Would you please make them welcome? We thank you for being here. They are guests here today of Representative Julie Mayberry.
And also in the East Gallery today, one day late from a very special birthday, we have the father of Representative Steven Meeks, our friend David Meeks. Please welcome him and wish him happy birthday. Mr. Clerk, please read House Resolution 1009.
Clerk [00:06:17] House Resolution 1009 by Representative Beaty to celebrate Arkansas Forestry Day at the state Capitol on January 21st, 2025
Speaker Brian Evans [00:06:24] Representative Beaty, you're recognized.
Representative Howard Beaty [00:06:40] Members, last week I came to the well to speak about Forestry Day at the Capitol. Today is to formally present the resolution so that I can present that to the Arkansas Forestry Association. So I'm here to present and ask for your support of House Resolution 1009 to recognize and celebrate Arkansas Forestry Day at the State Capitol as of January 21st, 2025. Thank you. With that, I'd appreciate a good vote.
Speaker Brian Evans [00:07:13] Madam Clerk, please read the resolution in name only.
Clerk [00:07:18] To recognize and celebrate Arkansas Forestry Day at the State Capitol on January 21st, 2025.
Speaker Brian Evans [00:07:23] Representative Beaty has explained the resolution. Would anyone like to speak against the resolution? Would anyone like to speak for the resolution? Representative Beaty is closed for the resolution. Question before the House is the passage of House Resolution 1009. All those in favor say aye. Opposed nay. The ayes have it. Congratulations, Representative Beaty, your resolution is adopted. Members, that's the end of the morning hour. We will now go to your red calendar. Madam Clerk, please read House Bill 1071.
Clerk [00:08:00] House Bill 1071 by Representative Scott Richardson to amend the Frank Broyles Publicity Rights Protection Act of 2016 and to provide protections for an individual whose photograph, voice or likeness is reproduced through means of artificial intelligence and used commercially.
Speaker Brian Evans [00:08:15] Representative Richardson, you are recognized to explain your bill.
Representative Scott Richardson [00:08:22] Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Good morning, members. I bring before you House Bill 1071. This bill is essentially just a cleanup bill with a minor update for emerging trends and technologies. The Frank Broyles Publicity Rights Protection Act of 2016 protects an individual's right to control the commercial use of their name, signature and likeness.
So essentially, this act established a property right to the commercial use of an individual's identity. The idea of leveraging a computer to manipulate an image, a series of images or sounds to produce a lifelike representation of an individual performing an act that didn't occur in reality was mostly science fiction in 2016 when the Frank Broyles Publicity Rights Protection Act was passed.
Today, however, leveraging AI generative tools to create a video of, let's say, our own famous members here in the House to enjoy, let's say, a biscuit feast from the Buttered Biscuit, and then leveraging that video as an endorsement for the Buttered Biscuit is very much in the realm of possibilities and in our current law might be considered a bit of a loophole. So in order to combat this, House Bill 1071 addresses this in 3 or 4 different places within the current law to make it easy to understand that AI generated materials is included in that particular law. And with that, I'm happy to take any questions. Seeing none, I'd appreciate a good vote.
Speaker Brian Evans [00:10:13] Representative Richardson has explained the bill. Would anyone like to speak against the bill? Would anyone like to speak for the bill? Representative Richardson is closed for the bill. The question before the House is the passage of House Bill 1071. Prepare the machine, Madam Clerk. Has everyone voted? Has everyone voted? Cast up the ballot, madam clerk. With a vote of 95 yeas, 1 nay and 1 present, the bill has passed. Madam Clerk, please read House Bill 1005.
Clerk [00:10:55] House Bill 1005 by Representative Ray to amend the law regarding tuition waivers for Arkansas National Guard soldiers and airmen to include programs of study leading to a postsecondary certificate or credential.
Speaker Brian Evans [00:11:07] Representative Ray, You're recognized to explain the bill.
Representative David Ray [00:11:12] Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Colleagues, House Bill 1005 updates the National Guard tuition waiver program and improves it by allowing Guardsmen to use their tuition waiver for a post-secondary credential or certificate in addition to a degree seeking program. So by way of background, the National Guard tuition waiver program was created in 2017. My predecessor, former Representative Doug House, was actually the lead sponsor on that. I know many of you served with him and it was created as a basically an employee benefit for our Guardsmen.
As you, I'm sure, are aware, one of the biggest challenges facing all of the armed services is recruitment and retention. And there were a lot of other states around us that had tuition waiver programs for their Guardsmen. And so we created one in 2017 to help with Guard recruitment. Since the program was implemented, there's approximately 400 to 500 Guardsmen a year that take advantage of this great employee benefit. But the way the program is currently structured, it only allows for tuition waivers for those enrolled in a degree producing program.
But we know that there are a lot of worthwhile certificates and credentials that are not associated with a degree program, but that help significantly with workforce development, skills development and including in many professions that are in high demand. Things like HVAC, EMT, welding, elements of manufacturing such as machining, CNC, quality control, things like auto mechanic, diesel technician, collision repair specialist, high voltage linemen. Those are just a few examples.
A couple of things I'll mention about this one. I see this in large part as a workforce development tool. I think by this point we all have come around to understanding that we need more Americans and more Arkansans working in the skilled trades. And obviously we also need people seeking degrees. But we need people all throughout that continuum of credentials. And our Guardsmen represent some of Arkansas's finest citizens. They are here for us in moments of crisis, whether it's assisting stranded passengers on a roadway during an ice storm, whether it's helping clear debris in the aftermath of a tornado or whether it's helping our Border Patrol on the southern border secure our nation's borders.
And if you think about it, this policy is really directed in the same direction as Representative Lundstrum's constitutional amendment with the lottery scholarship last session, which passed with almost 90% of the vote at the ballot. So with that, I'll be happy to take any questions about the bill, if there are any. Seeing none, I would appreciate a good vote.
Speaker Brian Evans [00:14:17] Representative Ray has explained the bill. Would anyone like to speak against the bill? Would anyone like to speak for the bill? Representative Ray is closed for the bill. The question before the House is the passage of House Bill 1005. Prepare the machine, Madam Clerk. Has everyone voted? Has everyone voted? Cast up the ballot, madam clerk. With a vote of 98 yea, 0 nay, 0 present, the bill has passed. Members, if you'll turn to your yellow calendar. Madam Clerk, please read Senate Bill 53.
Clerk [00:15:07] Senate Bill 53.
Speaker Brian Evans [00:15:09] Representative Jean, You're recognized to explain the bill.
Representative Lane Jean [00:15:13] Thank you, Mr. Speaker. We have one bill. This is Senate Bill 53. This is the continuing education bill that our county officials have to do, that we, through the years have mandated on them. It's for the county treasurer, the circuit clerk, the county collector and the county coroner. Their continuing education money is provided out of special revenue that the counties raised from fees. No additional money, no increase on the appropriation. Any questions? Seeing none, your one vote is for the bill and emergency clause. Mr. Speaker, have the clerk read the bill a third time.
Speaker Brian Evans [00:15:55] Madam Clerk, read the bill for the third time.
Clerk [00:15:57] Senate Bill 53.
Speaker Brian Evans [00:16:01] Anyone like to speak against the bill? For the bill? Representative Jean is closed for the bill. Question before the House is the passage of Senate Bill 53. Prepare the machine, Madam Clerk. Has everyone voted? Members, your one vote is for the bill and the emergency clause. Cast up the ballot, madam clerk. With a vote of 97 yea, 0 nay, and 0 present, the bill and the emergency clause have passed. Representative Meeks, for what purpose?
Representative Stephen Meeks [00:17:06] Motion, Please.
Speaker Brian Evans [00:17:07] Hear your motion. [Adjourn motion] That's a proper motion. It's not debatable. All in favor say aye. Opposed nay. Motion carries. Any announcements from committee chairs? Representative Jean, For what purpose?
Representative Lane Jean [00:17:36] Announcement.
Speaker Brian Evans [00:17:38] You're recognized.
Representative Lane Jean [00:17:38] Members, it was on the calendar, but busy with Senator Dismang and staff and us waiting on the pay plan to come out. There will be no Joint Budget tomorrow morning.
Speaker Brian Evans [00:17:52] Representative Cavenaugh, for what purpose? You're recognized.
Representative Frances Cavenaugh [00:17:56] Rev and Tax will meet at 10 a.m. tomorrow morning in room 151.
Speaker Brian Evans [00:18:00] Representative Underwood, for what purpose? You're recognized.
Representative Kendon Underwood [00:18:03] Judiciary will meet tomorrow at 10 a.m. in 149.
Speaker Brian Evans [00:18:07] Representative Holcomb, For what purpose? You're recognized.
Representative Mike Holcomb [00:18:12] Public Transportation will meet in the morning at 10 a.m. in Mac B.
Speaker Brian Evans [00:18:16] Representative Wooldridge, For what purpose? You're recognized.
Representative Jeremy Wooldridge [00:18:21] Public Health will meet tomorrow, 15 minutes upon adjournment. Room 130.
Speaker Brian Evans [00:18:26] Representative Warren, for what purpose? You're recognized.
Representative Les Warren [00:18:30] Joint Retirement will meet 15 minutes upon adjournment of the House and Senate tomorrow afternoon.
Speaker Brian Evans [00:18:37] Representative Brooks, for what purpose? You're recognized.
Representative Keith Brooks [00:18:40] House Education will meet in the morning at 10 a.m. in room 138.
Speaker Brian Evans [00:18:44] Representative Meeks, For what purpose? You're recognized.
Representative Stephen Meeks [00:18:48] Just put it on your radar. The organizational meeting of the Technology Committee will be Wednesday at noon. Wednesday at noon.
Speaker Brian Evans [00:18:56] Thank you, members. Representative Cavenaugh, for what purpose? You're recognized.
Representative Frances Cavenaugh [00:19:02] We just want to make an announcement that the Arkansas Foundation for Medical Care will be having a reception tonight from 5 to 7. And it's in the new venue, the Capital District Event Center.
Speaker Brian Evans [00:19:14] Seeing no other announcements, we are adjourned. Representative Dalby, For what purpose? You're recognized.
Representative Carol Dalby [00:19:25] Members, we have a birthday amongst us. Please give Representative Vaught a round of applause for her birthday today.